14 Hakutuloksetlive music venues

HAM Helsingin taidemuseo

HAMin vuoden 2025 näyttelyt: Maalaustelineeltä mahdollisiin maailmoihin12.12.2024 14:30:00 EET | HAM Helsingin taidemuseo | Tiedote

HAMin vuoden 2025 näyttelyt ja kuvataiteen suurtapahtuma Helsinki Biennaali nostavat esiin ei-inhimilliset toimijat, taidemaalarit kautta vuosikymmenten, Ars Fennica 2025 -palkintoehdokkaat sekä ranskalaisen taiteilijan Marguerite Humeaun mahdollisia tulevaisuuksia ennustavat, moniaistiset veistosvisiot. Vuoden 2025 näyttelyt esittelevät teoksia lähes 120 taiteilijalta tai taiteilijaryhmältä. Lisäksi helsinkiläisten taidekokoelma kasvaa ja on yhä mittavammin esillä myös julkisessa tilassa. HAMin tavoitteena onkin maksimoida taiteen läsnäolo Helsingissä.
Pertin Valinta

OAF 2024 ohjelma on nyt julkistettu!15.5.2024 09:00:00 EEST | Pertin Valinta | Tiedote

Outsider Art Festival OAF on neljättä kertaa järjestettävä kaupunkifestivaali, joka juhliii yhdenvertaisuutta elokuussa 15.-25.8.2024. OAF on Helsingin juhlaviikkojen ystäväfestivaali, jonka avajaisia juhlitaan perinteisesti Taiteiden yönä. OAF esittää monimuotoisen ja valloittavan kattauksen musiikkia, kuvataidetta, esittävää taidetta, elokuvia, kirjallisuutta ja elämäntarinoita.
HAM Helsingin taidemuseo

Helsinki Biennial 2023 brings together 29 artists and collectives to exhibit across Vallisaari Island and the Finnish capital 29.3.2023 14:00:00 EEST | HAM Helsingin taidemuseo | Press release

Helsinki Biennial 2023 is delighted to share the 29 international artists and collectives participating in its second edition, New Directions May Emerge, curated by Joasia Krysa and produced by HAM Helsinki Art Museum. Opening to the public on 12 June, an annual Helsinki Day celebration in in the Finnish capital, the biennial comprises around 50% new commissions and site-specific works which engage with some of the pressing issues of our time, encompassing environmental damage, political conflict and the impact of technology. For New Directions May Emerge, Krysa has joined forces with five curatorial collaborators: Critical Environmental Data, Museum of Impossible Forms, TBA21-Academy, ViCCA @ Aalto Arts, and an A.I. Entity.
EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art

The Children’s Museum Festival offers a fresh line-up of fun activities for the whole family at WeeGee and the revamped Leikki and Kruunu Museums16.2.2023 11:00:00 EET | EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art | Press release

Tapiola’s museums will host their super-popular Children’s Museum Festival on March 18 and 19 this year, promising a weekend packed with various activities, music, and fun things to do. Musical performances will be staged by Mirkka and Luis, Höpinätötterö and Hevosenkenkä Theatre with their Mr Clutterbuck show!
Helsingin kaupunki, kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala

Helsinki hosts dozens of free events and activities for children and young people during winter break16.2.2022 06:58:00 EET | Helsingin kaupunki, kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala | Tiedote

During the upcoming winter break week, the City of Helsinki will host dozens of events for young people and families with children. Most of the winter break programme provided by the city is free-of-charge and even the activities that are subject to charge are affordable. The entire winter break offering has been collected together on the new nuorten.helsinki website, which will be used in the future to communicate all services provided by the city to young people. This year, the winter break takes place 21–27 February in Helsinki.

Norwegian Cruise Line Unveils Much-Anticipated Norwegian Prima17.5.2021 10:30:00 EEST | Norwegian Cruise Line | Press release

– First of Six Vessels in New Groundbreaking Class Officially Opens for Sale with Sensational Itineraries Sailing Northern Europe, The UK, The Caribbean and Bermuda – – Industry’s Most Spacious New Cruise Ship Offering the Most Outdoor Deck Space and the Most Expansive Accommodations of Any New Build – – Cutting-Edge Ship Launches Multiple NCL Firsts with Indulge Food Hall, Infinity Beach, Oceanwalk and The Concourse – Norwegian Cruise Line, the innovator in global cruise travel with a 54-year history of breaking boundaries, today opened for sale the first of six ships within its highly anticipated next class of vessels, Prima Class, the Brand’s first new class of ships in nearly 10 years. With voyages beginning in summer 2022, Norwegian Prima, the first of the six ships, will be 965 feet long (295 meter), 142,500 gross tons and able to accommodate 3,215 guests at double occupancy. The vessel will be a game-changer for NCL, offering guests exciting itineraries, more wide-open spaces, t
Helsingin kaupunki, kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala

Malmitalo’s new club series, A la Malmi, introduces quality music outside the mainstream6.2.2020 13:45:57 EET | Helsingin kaupunki, kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala | Tiedote

The A la Malmi club series was born from the idea of having the most exciting new music produced and performed by independent Finnish artists presented in a concert hall environment where music and content take centre stage. In spring season 2020, the A la Malmi series will present Lehtojärven Hirvenpää, Pekko Käppi & K:H:H:L, Maustetytöt, Räjäyttäjät and Mikko Joensuu.

Finnish Travel Quality Award goes to Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival20.1.2011 09:55:30 EET | Messukeskus | Press release

The Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, held since 1970, has been selected as the winner of the Finnish Travel Quality Award. The selection was announced at the press conference of the Nordic Travel Fair MATKA on 20 January 2011. The finalists selected by a panel of influential professionals in the travel industry were: Joulukka Christmas adventure forest, Suomenlinna sea fortress, Levin Matkailu Oy, Oasis of the Sea / Royal Caribbean Cruises, and Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival. Opera singer Mari Palo selected the winner and awarded a grant of EUR 5,000 by the Finnish Fair Foundation to Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival. This was the sixth time the Finnish Travel Quality Award was given.
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