31 Hakutuloksetpolitical landscape

Tunisia's struggling economy puts democracy at risk, study finds30.9.2024 14:58:52 EEST | Democracy News Alliance | Press release

Tunis/Los Angeles/DNA - Tunisia's political landscape is undergoing a perilous shift. Once celebrated as the Arab Spring’s democratic success story, the country now faces the grim possibility of sliding back into authoritarianism, a new study warns. As the October 2024 elections loom, analysts warn that President Kaïs Saïed may tighten his grip on power, threatening to reverse the hard-won gains from the 2011 Jasmine Revolution. But what has led Tunisia to this moment? And why has economic stagnation stifled its democratic aspirations? Researchers behind a new Berggruen Governance Index (BGI) report analyze what happened and what may happen next. In late 2010, mass protests erupted in Tunisia, setting the stage for the Jasmine Revolution. This movement, ignited by public outcry against the autocratic rule of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, became the spark for the wider Arab Spring that swept through North Africa and the Middle East. While many neighboring nations soon experienced civil war o
Amos Rex

Palestiinalaisen Larissa Sansourin näyttely Amos Rexissä käsittelee ylisukupolvista traumaa ja menetystä sekä kuviteltuja tulevaisuuksia17.9.2024 11:00:48 EEST | Amos Rex | Tiedote

Larissa Sansourin näyttelyssä ajankohtaiset aiheet, kuten kodin ja kotimaan jättäminen pakon edessä ja ylisukupolviset traumat kietoutuvat kuviteltuihin maailmoihin scifin, oopperan ja dokumentaarisen aineiston kautta. Amos Rex kutsuu median edustajat lehdistötilaisuuteen ja näyttelyn ennakkokatselmukseen tiistaina 8.10.2024 klo 10–12. Ilmoittautuminen: https://amosrex.fi/rsvp-press/
Suomen ympäristökeskus

Defense: Spatial conservation prioritization for the improvement of the national protected-area network16.9.2024 14:42:56 EEST | Suomen ympäristökeskus | Press release

The thesis concerns identifying the most important areas from the biodiversity perspective in Finland. The studies include forest, mires, and the Natura 2000 network. Also, areas with the least value for biodiversity were recognized, which enables targeting actions that harm nature there. According to the results, there are significant differences between areas in terms of the biodiversity being supported. When the most important areas for biodiversity are known, conservation measures can be executed in a cost-effective manner. M. Sc. Ninni Mikkonen, who works at Syke, will defend the doctoral dissertation in the University of Helsinki, on 20 September 2024.
The Fritt Ord Foundation

The Fritt Ord Foundation and the Zeit Stiftung Bucerius hereby announce that the Free Media Awards for 2024 will be presented to journalists and media from Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russia and, for the first time, Hungary23.8.2024 12:01:55 EEST | The Fritt Ord Foundation | Press release

The press prizes will be presented to six journalists and media in Eastern and Central Europe in recognition of their seminal investigative journalism and personal courage during a period of great turmoil throughout the region. Several of this year's prize laureates are currently imprisoned as a result of their journalistic activities.
Helsingin kaupunki, kaupunkiympäristön toimiala

Proposal for an architectural programme for Helsinki published – next step is political decision-making19.4.2024 09:48:22 EEST | Helsingin kaupunki, kaupunkiympäristön toimiala | Tiedote

High-quality architecture and the planning of public urban spaces increase residents’ wellbeing and Helsinki’s appeal. The newly published proposal for the Helsinki architectural programme, titled Helsinki rakentaa hyvää elämää (Helsinki builds good life), is a discussion opener on the significance of architecture in Helsinki and a tool for developing architecture further. The proposal was launched at Central Library Oodi on Thursday 18 April. Next it will enter the political decision-making process.
Amcham Finland

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Key to Supporting Finland’s Sustainable Economic Health15.9.2023 06:30:00 EEST | Amcham Finland | Press release

HELSINKI, Finland (Sept. 15, 2023) -- Amcham Finland, the voice of international business and champion of the internationalization of its member companies, is hosting its annual Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) event Friday morning, 15 September from 9-11 a.m. at the Scandic Helsinki Hub (Annankatu 18) and streaming online. Media is invited to attend in person or virtually. Doors will open at 8:30 a.m. for networking opportunities.
HAM Helsingin taidemuseo

Helsinki Biennial’s second edition opens to the public on Sunday 11 June8.6.2023 10:30:00 EEST | HAM Helsingin taidemuseo | Press release

By envisioning various speculative futures, Helsinki Biennial: New Directions May Emerge brings together 29 international artists and collectives to explore alternative ways of living in, and understanding, the world. Curated by Joasia Krysa with five curatorial collaborators, the second edition engages with some of the pressing issues of our time, addressing environmental damage, political conflict and the impact of technology. On view until 17 September 2023, the biennial comprises around 50% new commissions and site-specific works that span installation, sculpture, film and performance.

Speech by President of the Republic of Finland Sauli Niinistö at the Ambassadors’ Conference on 23 August 202223.8.2022 11:43:28 EEST | Tasavallan presidentin kanslia | Press release

Esteemed Heads of Missions, ladies and gentlemen, After a long interval, we meet again in the same physical location. Now that the pandemic finally allows it, this format is again familiar and safe. But the world around us is anything but. Even though a state of peace prevails in Finland, we have been living in a time of war in Europe for six months. The impacts of the war of aggression Russia is waging in Ukraine are immense. Their depth, extent and longevity is difficult to exaggerate. A return to the old and familiar is nowhere in sight, for any of us. Not for Finland, not for Europe, not for the world. Now, if not before, the old truth has become clear: the essential task of our foreign policy is taking care of Finnish security. This has also been the case for the past year, and it will remain so in the future. Faced with the unknown, we must strengthen our security with determination and on a long-term basis. It is our common mission. * * * “You can get used to anything, but this
Helsingin kaupunki, kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala

HAM’s online exhibition Politics of Care highlights different aspects of a topical subject4.11.2021 09:14:26 EET | Helsingin kaupunki, kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala | Press release

Politics of Care is a thematically structured online exhibition presenting nine video works from HAM’s extensive media art collection. With the global coronavirus pandemic having upended life as we know it, new light has been shed on the importance of care, both societally and in our personal relationships. Care, which is key for upholding our society, is not only limited to interpersonal relationships – sustaining life also requires constant interaction with the environment. When looked at this way, care is a part of a web of interdependency that has grown increasingly and visibly fragile, in part due to the impact of climate change.
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