19 Hakutuloksetworld's oceans

Riverrecycle Oy

Riverrecycle surpasses significant milestone of 4 million kg waste removed from world’s rivers30.9.2024 09:16:59 EEST | Riverrecycle Oy | Press release

RiverRecycle, a Finnish start-up pioneering river plastic recycling solutions, has reached an extraordinary milestone of collecting cumulatively over four million kilograms of waste from waterways and the environment globally. This achievement underscores the rapid growth of the company’s operations, with its waste collection doubling within months.
Riverrecycle Oy

RiverRecycle reaches 2.5 million kg of waste removed from rivers29.4.2024 10:04:46 EEST | Riverrecycle Oy | Press release

In a display of scaling its impact on the environment, RiverRecycle, the Finnish start-up dedicated to combating plastic pollution, has now collected over 2.5 million kilograms of waste from rivers across the globe. This feat marks an acceleration in the company's operations, with the second million kilograms being collected in a mere five months—a drastic improvement from the years it took to collect the first million.
Riverrecycle Oy

RiverRecycle to implement the largest river plastic recycling operation in the world23.4.2024 15:22:58 EEST | Riverrecycle Oy | Press release

RiverRecycle, the largest company in the world to tackle plastic pollution in rivers, has now opened its facilities in the Philippines and Ghana for mechanical recycling and started the land-based collection. With this, RiverRecycle has entered the “full circle” phase of its operations. This pioneering system encompasses cleaning of floating plastic waste from the rivers, mechanical recycling of the collected plastic, and proactive land-based collection.
maribus gGmbH

The ocean – a climate champion? How to boost marine carbon dioxide uptake24.1.2024 08:00:00 EET | maribus gGmbH | Press release

The new World Ocean Review – available free of charge – synthesizes the current state of knowledge around ocean-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR). It aims to initiate a much-needed debate on whether humankind can and should intervene further in the ocean in order to protect the climate. What action should we take for the effective mitigation of climate change? Measures to avoid greenhouse gas emissions are surely the main priority – but the truth is that in the coming decades, we will also have to remove large quantities of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it securely. Can – indeed, should – the ocean aid us in this task? The new World Ocean Review (WOR 8) explores this issue with reference to the oceans’ role in the Earth’s carbon cycle and looks at the benefits, risks and knowledge gaps around the main marine carbon dioxide removal techniques. Can and should humankind intervene further in the ocean in order to protect the climate? This eighth edition of World Ocean Revie
Suomen ympäristökeskus

Baltic Sea Science Congress in Helsinki is advancing the goals of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science21.8.2023 08:13:35 EEST | Suomen ympäristökeskus | Press release

During this week 250 international scientists, from 12 countries, will unveil the results of their latest research during the Baltic Sea Science Congress taking place in Helsinki, on the northern coastline of the Gulf of Finland. The message of the Congress supports the goal of the UN Decade of Ocean Science: we need innovative scientific ideas for the sustainable use of marine resources.

Hope Spot Ocean? – combining conservation and sustainable use The new World Ocean Review: Communicating the latest marine knowledge understandably19.1.2022 14:51:34 EET | maribus gGmbH | Press release

More than ten years after the first edition of the World Ocean Review (WOR), maribus gGmbH and their scientific partners, the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM) and the Kiel Future Ocean Network, are publishing the next WOR that reviews the overall situation of the oceans. Its conclusion: only together can we achieve solutions for a sustainable future of the ocean by balancing protection and sustainable use. In order to achieve those sustainable solutions, important transformations in the way humans interact with the ocean must be initiated quickly. The new WOR is freely available to download and printed copies can be ordered.

Kiertotalous huomion kohteeksi koronapandemian aikana: neljä toimialaa vie kiertotaloutta eteenpäin vuonna 20218.3.2021 11:07:40 EET | BlackRock | Tiedote

BlackRockin toisen kerran koostetussa kiertotalousraportissa kerrotaan, kuinka koronapandemia uhkasi hidastaa maailman vastuullisuuden kehittymistä. Kiertotalouteen siirtyminen sai kuitenkin lisäpontta lisääntyvän sääntelyn, vastuullisia valintoja suosivan kuluttajakäyttäytymisen lisääntymisen sekä yritysten tekemien kiertotalouskäytäntöjen ansiosta. BlackRockin raportti nostaa esiin neljää toimialaa, joilta sijoittajien kannattaa etsiä kasvumahdollisuuksia.

Top circular economy event offers means to achieve sustainable growth to a world battered by crises28.9.2020 13:59:05 EEST | Sitra | Press release

On 29 and 30 September, the World Circular Economy Forum Online will bring together over 5,000 global economy reformers to discuss the most important tool in sustainable recovery: the circular economy. This time the event, which originates from Finland, will be fully virtual. In addition, Finnish think-and-do-tank Sitra will publish a guide to transitioning to a circular economy for other countries.

YK:n maailman merien päivänä vietetään Pictet Water -rahaston 20-vuotispäivää – ”Vastuullisesta sijoittamisesta tulossa valtavirtaa”8.6.2020 14:48:13 EEST | Pictet | Tiedote

Pictet Asset Management uskoo vastuullisen sijoittamisen olevan pian valtavirtaa, koska kiinnostus vastuullisia rahastoja ja ESG-sijoittamista kohtaan kasvaa edelleen markkinoiden myllerryksestä huolimatta. Tänään vietetään paitsi YK:n maailman merien päivää 2020 myös Pictet’n Water-rahaston 20-vuotispäivää. Rahasto on temaattisen sijoittamisen uranuurtaja. Se on tuottanut sen perustamisesta1 lähtien 298,1 prosenttia, kun vertailutuotto on ollut 104,0 prosenttia2.
EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art

The internationally acclaimed artist Chiharu Shiota will create a large spatial installation for EMMA in autumn 2021 14.11.2019 12:50:00 EET | EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art | Press release

Since 2018, the collaboration between EMMA and Saastamoinen Foundation has seen works created by topically relevant international artists, tailored site-specifically for EMMA’s unique space. The fourth artist in the collaboration is Chiharu Shiota, who is known for her impressive spatial artworks, where she combines vast webs of threads with various everyday objects.

Fresh Top Leaders Mari Walls and Leena Vainiomäki bring New Perspectives to Finland’s Most Significant Industrial Event MPD – Tampere University and Danske are also Innovators19.2.2019 17:16:56 EET | MPD | Press release

Top Finnish and European industry influencers will hear a load of forceful visions in June. Two new top leaders will share their views on the importance of innovation in the MPD event. The President and CEO of the newly merged Tampere University, Mari Walls, as well as the Country Head of Danske Bank Finland, Leena Vainiomäki, are both experienced leaders but their new top positions offer them opportunities for exceptionally broad influencing.

Helsinki Chemicals Forum has published its themes for 20192.1.2019 13:38:24 EET | Messukeskus | Press release

The themes for the next Helsinki Chemicals Forum conference will cover five themes: risk management options of chemicals of concern, the grouping of chemical substances, measuring the performance of different chemical management systems, plastics and circularity and the quality of and access to data on chemicals. The next conference will be organised on 23–24 May 2019 in Messukeskus Helsinki, Expo and Convention Centre.

Convenient and functional innovations, products and services for boat lovers14.1.2010 15:48:32 EET | Messukeskus | Press release

The upcoming boating season will once again launch with the Helsinki International Boat Show at the Helsinki Exhibition & Convention Centre on 13–21 February 2010. Over 320 companies will be exhibiting their products and services. Finland's biggest boat exhibition and hypermarket for all things aquatic will fill all of the venue's exhibition halls as usual. Visitors can also look forward to an extensive and fully revamped programme totality.

Praktiska nyheter, produkter och tjänster för alla vänner av båtar och hav14.1.2010 15:43:53 EET | Messukeskus | Pressmeddelande

Startskottet för årets båtsäsong skjuts som vanligt på Båtmässan i Helsingfors Mässcentrum den 13-23 februari 2010. Med på mässan är över 320 utställare som presenterar sina produkter och tjänster. Det är Finlands klart största båtutställning, ett verkligt jättevaruhus för allt som har med sjön att göra; evenemanget fyller som vanligt hela Mässcentrum. Mässbesökarna trakteras också med ett massivt och helt förnyat mässprogram.
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