Composition of Taaleri’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board
Composition of Taaleri’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board
Taaleri Plc’s three largest shareholders have nominated the following members to the Shareholders’ Nomination Board:
- Pertti Laine, Veikko Laine Oy’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, nominated by Veikko Laine Oy
- Peter Fagernäs, Oy Hermitage Ab’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, nominated by Oy Hermitage Ab
- Juhani Elomaa, Taaleri Plc’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, nominated by Juhani Elomaa
At its meeting on 23 October 2024, the Shareholders’ Nomination Board elected Peter Fagernäs as its Chairman.
The Nomination Board consists of three members that represent the company’s largest shareholders. Nomination right belongs to the three shareholders who hold the largest number of votes calculated of all shares in the company on the basis of the registered holdings in the company’s shareholders’ register held by Euroclear Finland Ltd or based on information represented by the nominee registered shareholders as of the last weekday in August in the year preceding the next Annual General Meeting.
The Nomination Board’s main duties include preparing and presenting proposals covering the election and remuneration of the members of the company’s Board of Directors to an Annual General Meeting and, where needed, to an Extraordinary General Meeting as well as identifying successors to existing members of the Board.
Taaleri Plc
Board of Directors
For further information, please contact:
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Juhani Elomaa, tel. +358 40 778 9020
Nasdaq Helsinki
Principal media
Taaleri in brief
Taaleri is a Nordic investment and asset manager that focuses on businesses with industrial-scale opportunities within bioindustry and renewable energy. We create value by combining extensive know-how, deep expertise, entrepreneurship and capital through both funds under management and direct investments. We have been a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) since 2010, and we joined the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative in 2021. Taaleri’s vision is to become a leading investment manager operating internationally in bioindustry and renewable energy.
Taaleri has two business segments: Private Asset Management and Garantia. Private Asset Management consists of bioindustry, renewable energy and real estate businesses.
Taaleri has EUR 2.6 bn of assets under management in its private equity funds and co-investments. The company has approximately 125 employees. Taaleri Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.
Head of Investor Relations and Communications Linda Tierala, +358 40 571 7895,
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