Pohjolan Voima Oyj

Pohjolan Voima Oyj's Financial Statements Release 2023

27.2.2024 12:49:58 EET | Pohjolan Voima Oyj | Financial Statement Release


Pohjolan Voima Oyj's Financial Statements Release 2023

Pohjolan Voima’s electricity production increased in 2023 and the total electricity supply amounted to 17.6 (12.9) TWh. Electricity supply increased as Teollisuuden Voima Oyj’s Olkiluoto 3 power plant unit continued the test production and started the commercial production. This affected also the increase in turnover and in materials and services. Heat supply amounted to 2.8 (3.1) TWh.

99% (97) of the electricity and 90% (80) of the heat produced by Pohjolan Voima was carbon neutral.

Investment decisions were made in Pohjolan Voima's subsidiaries: Porin Prosessivoima Oy invests in a flue gas condenser plant and PVO-Vesivoima Oy decided to invest in an ultracapacitor energy storage facility.



Nasdaq Helsinki



Further enquiries: CFO Minna Laakso, Pohjolan Voima Oyj, +358 40 5060 802, minna.laakso@pvo.fi

About Pohjolan Voima Oyj

Pohjolan Voima is a long-lived Finnish energy company. We are one of Finland’s largest energy producers – our production accounts for over 20% of the nation’s total electricity production. The electricity we produce is almost completely carbon neutral. We produce electricity and heat at cost price for the needs of our owners – Finnish industrial and energy companies – with reliable and adjustable hydropower, thermal power and nuclear power that ensures security of supply. We are a team of top professionals and are proven as one of Finland's most inspiring workplaces. At Pohjolan Voima, we pride ourselves on doing meaningful work in line with our values, skilfully, reliably, together. We are committed to carbon neutrality and improving biodiversity. Our objective is to create decisive power to strengthen competitiveness and contribute to a better tomorrow.  www.pohjolanvoima.fi

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