The Golden Hanger 2009 for Designer Tiia Vanhatapio

”For the love of vintage couture” The 15th Golden Hanger award goes to designer Tiia Vanhatapio. Vanhatapio has boldly and successfully brought her talent to the awareness of the consumers, the media and the fashion industry. Clear brand and vision are admirably visible in her work. Vanhatapio sets a good example and represents the kind of entrepreneurship the Finnish fashion industry needs, states the Chairman of the Jury, Editor-in-chief Ms Riitta Lindegren.

After graduating from an art focused high school, Vanhatapio studied sketching for two years. In addition she has worked in graphic design, advertising and retail sales. In 2005 Vanhatapio graduated from The University of Art and Design Helsinki (UIAH) receiving three scholarships for her master’s thesis: The best thesis work of the Design departments , Asko Foundation scholarship for UIAH, The best thesis work of the Fashion and Textile departments , Marimekko scholarship UIAH, The best thesis work , Design department, fashion design, UIAH scholarship for 2005.

In 2006 the opening of her own shop was a clear highpoint in Vanhatapio’s career. The support of artist Dita von Teese has been of great important to Vanhatapio and in receiving Finland’s top fashion award, the Golden Hanger, Vanhatapio feels another page turning in her career.

Since childhood Vanhatapio has been interested in history, design and visual beauty, and she has been greatly influenced by her graphic designer mother and painter grandfather. During her career the love for beauty, art history, design, music and vintage couture have all been the leading forces in Vanhatapio’s work.

For all the young designers Vanhatapio emphasizes the importance of finding one’s own distinct style and staying true to it.

The Golden Hanger award is awarded at the Fashion Fair 13-15 November at the Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre. Vanhatapio’s designs can be seen at the Fashion Fair in, for example, the Muoti 09 Fashion Show.

Tiia Vanhatapio’s designs are also at the Fashion Fair on stands 5f51 and 5h28. Vanhatapio is interviewed at the Fashion Lounge and her works are on display at the Stockmann department store.

For more information, please contact: Maija Juutilainen, tel. +358 45 656 6643, ,

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