Espoon kaupunki - Esbo stadEspoon kaupunki - Esbo stadEspoon kaupunki - Esbo stadEspoon kaupunki - Esbo stad

Espoo’s top attractions highlighted in a new way – City of Espoo to launch a travel app at Slush on 4–5 December

The new travel app, Tripsteri App Espoo, will enable visitors to familiarise themselves with Espoo’s top attractions regardless of time and place. The City of Espoo will launch the mobile app at Slush, where the city will appear at the stand of Arilyn, a company producing AR (augmented reality) solutions. Developed and maintained by Tripsteri App Oy, Tripsteri App Espoo will showcase Espoo alongside cities like Tokyo, Stockholm, Helsinki and Singapore.

Tripsteri App Espoo provides the user with an overall view of important places to visit in Espoo, introducing themed tours and allowing the user to customise tours to suit their individual needs. Free to the user, the app allows the visitor to tour tourist, science, art and technology attractions as well as urban development sites, and to virtually visit the area from any part of the world.

- “We are constantly developing the contents of the app. Companies and organisations can offer the app as a service to their own customers, since it acts as a personal tourist guide for visitors,” says Heli Hidén, Project Manager at the City of Espoo. “In accordance with our ‘City as a Service’ model, we provide actors in Espoo with various tools and methods that we develop together with actors in various ecosystems. In Tripster App Espoo, we have, together with parties like local travel and tourism companies, Aalto University, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and business accelerators, planned a way in which the local expertise can also be introduced to congress and start-up tourists or other tourists travelling independently,” Hidén continues.

Tripsteri App Espoo will be launched in English and Finnish. A Chinese version will become available later, as well as a Japanese version featuring some of the content.

Tripsteri App Espoo is a concrete example of how a city can make use of intelligent digital solutions. Earlier in the year, Espoo already received significant recognition when it won the international Intelligent Community Awards 2018 competition. Espoo was the only European city among the seven finalists.

Tripsteri App Espoo was created as part of the EU-funded 6Aika Open Innovation Platforms project, in which the six largest cities in Finland developed various environments and city processes in order to more efficiently match the development activities of companies. Once the app has been launched, its piloting, development and marketing will be continued by Espoo Marketing Oy, a subsidiary owned by the City of Espoo.  

Tripsteri App Espoo is available for free download from the App Store and Google Play.

Tripsteri App is a new-generation travel app that offers fun, direct, narrative and virtual content on the best places to visit. Tripsteri App lets you find and save favourites from near and far, create tours of your favourite places and share them with your friends. The app helps you plan public transport routes and make reservations at restaurants and hotels, for example. The app also includes audio tours that you can listen to and view when it suits you best. You can select from themed city tours, such as restaurants for gourmets, atmospheric cafés and the best wine bars. Visually beautiful, the app includes 360-degree views that help you get acquainted with the area and its atmosphere beforehand. More information available at: and



About Espoon kaupunki - Esbo stad

Espoon kaupunki - Esbo stad
Espoon kaupunki - Esbo stad
PL 1 / PB 1

+358 9 816 21

A networked Espoo comprising five city centres will be a pioneering responsible and humane city that is a good place to live, learn, work and do business in and where residents can have their say in matters.



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Ympäristö- ja rakennuslautakunta: Hepokorven datakeskukselle toinen rakennuslupa21.3.2025 09:11:46 EET | Tiedote

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