DNA network provides broadest LTE-M IoT-technology coverage in Finland

DNA’s IoT service capabilities has been further enhanced, with the LTE-M technology for real-time, bidirectional IoT services now widely deployed in DNA’s mobile network. Both LTE-M and NB-IoT are now available in DNA network in Southern, Western and Central Finland.
DNA’s IoT service capabilities has been further enhanced
DNA’s IoT service capabilities has been further enhanced

Increasing the availability of the most efficient IoT technologies has enabled DNA to provide its customers with more powerful services. DNA IoT customers now have two LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) options to choose from to select the technology best-suited to their needs to increase the lifespan, energy efficiency and cost efficiency of their IoT devices.

“We are enabling two genuinely new IoT connectivity alternatives for our customers. I am very happy to say that we are able to provide great technologies for them. In this way, we can help to develop many innovative services,” says Esa Kinnunen, Director, IoT Technology, DNA.

The LTE-M technology enables significantly higher data transfer speeds and volumes for IoT services. LTE-M can transfer data symmetrically both ways at an maximum rate of 1 Mbps. LTE-M is well-suited to real-time use, because the delays are remarkably short (10–15 ms) compared to the NB-IoT option (1.6–10 s). Just like normal mobile phones, devices connected to LTE-M can move from one place to another without losing the data connection. Typical use cases for LTE-M include logistics and security systems, as well as safety bracelets for the elderly.

The advantages of the NB-IoT technology include low energy consumption and high reliability in areas with coverage challenges. One NB-IoT base station cell is estimated to have the capacity to support thousands of devices using an NB-IoT connection. The connection is dormant when it is not used. This significantly extends battery life, in many cases by up to ten years. Devices connected to the NB-IoT network can communicate, for example, from basements, which usual mobile phones would not be able to do. Typical uses for the NB-IoT technology include electricity meters, home appliances, tracking devices and smart lighting.

“IoT, or the Internet of Things, enables new business initiatives that are valuable and profitable for companies and the society at large. For me, it is hugely important that our mobile network can help to lay a solid foundation for these new services. The Internet of Things brings many new requirements for mobile network resources, but DNA’s modern network is more than capable of meeting them,” says Kinnunen.

The NB-IoT readiness was already introduced to DNA’s 4G network back in April 2017. LTE-M has also been in customer-specific pilot use in DNA’s mobile network. The dawning age of 5G will create further opportunities for the use of IoT.

Further information for the media:

Esa Kinnunen, Director, IoT Sales and Solutions, DNA Plc, tel. +358 44 044 7073, esa.kinnunen@dna.fi
DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 44 044 8000, communications@dna.fi


DNA’s IoT service capabilities has been further enhanced
DNA’s IoT service capabilities has been further enhanced


About DNA Oyj

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DNA is a Finnish telecommunications group providing high-quality voice, data and TV services for communication, entertainment and working. DNA is Finland's largest cable operator and the leading pay TV provider in both cable and terrestrial networks. Our mission is to provide products and services that make our private and corporate customers' lives simple. As a telecommunications operator, DNA plays an important role in society by providing important communication connections and by enabling digital development. DNA was ranked as Finland's best place to work in 2019 in the Great Place to Work survey’s large companies category. In 2018, our net sales were EUR 912 million and our operating profit EUR 139 million. DNA has more than 4 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The Group also includes DNA Store, Finland's largest retail chain selling mobile phones. DNA shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. For further information, visit www.dna.fi or follow us on Twitter @DNA_fi and Facebook.

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