‘Pain, passion…’ – Finland’s largest industry event MPD defined four routes to success and announced that a new MPIDEA competition will be held in 2021
Press Release 7.6.2019
On Thursday Finland’s largest industry event MPD culminated in a profound top-class discussion on the basis and prerequisites of success. MPD’s figurehead and the President of Orgalim, The European Technology Industries association, Tomas Hedenborg, listed two distinct factors based on his own experience.
‘Pain and passion. Development often begins when the amount of pain has grown too large. The other option is genuine passion.’
The Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of KONE Corporation, Jussi Herlin, as well as the CEO of Ponsse, Juho Nummela, recognized the signifiance of pain and passion.
‘There is a lot of passion to be found at KONE but of course change-pain is very prevalent also. Isn’t it so that passion and pain are closely intertwined, often one doesn’t exist without the other. Change and success do not result from mere joy’, evaluates Herlin. Change and development are constantly present at KONE – on a daily basis, together with its customers, the success-driven company helps one billion people move as technology develops and customer demands increase.
Juho Nummela, the CEO of one of the world’s leading forest machine companies, Ponsse, adds a third success factor to the list.
‘There is passion for sure and there has been pain also. However, we have our own expedient: healthy paranoia. We respect our competitors, they also have good products and services and the desire to develop. That is why we strive to be continuously alert and look over our shoulders to see what is happening. An appropriate amount of paranoia, but not too much, so that we remain on the healthy side’, Nummela described with a grin on his face.
The CEO of The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy Etla, Aki Kangasharju, identified yet a fourth factor.
‘There are not enough companies which show passion. More passion is needed. That is why we need politicies that encourage risk-taking. Productivity is usually the result of risk-taking. I would do anything to achieve productivity’, Kangasharju encouraged the crowd of top industry influencers.
Michael May, in charge of developing artificial intelligence at Siemens, views success from an artificial intelligence and Europe point-of view: according to May, regulation being developed needs to be shaped in a way that supports passion for AI development. The discussion as well as the entire unique MPD event as a whole was summed up by Tomas Hedenborg.
‘On the EU level we need political development that is based on unity, investments in innovation and democratic values. Autocracy does not lead to success but instead pluralistic democracy does’, Hedenborg summed up the big themes that emerged at the MPD.
MPIDEA competition will again be organized in 2021
The focus at Tampere’s TähtiAreena was heavily on the future in all regards.
‘I am pleased to inform that given the successful organization of the two previous MPIDEA competitions, it will be organized in the future as well. The industry’s drive to create new jobs in Finland remains and so, the MPIDEA competition will take place in connection with the next MPD event in 2021’, Hedenborg informed at the closing of the MPD.
The first initiator of the industry’s greatest idea competition, Siemens Finland, immediately reacted to the news.
‘We are very satisfied that we have been able to be actively involved in the MPIDEA competition right from the beginning. MPIDEA is an important opportunity to bring forth new ideas, innovations, products and services – the nature of the competition entries has intentionally been restricted as little as possible. As a result of this, the finalists in the exciting MPIDEA final were very different. We are however seeking ways to develop the competition, so that the ideas benefit Finnish industry, employment and competitiveness as much as possible’, ponders the CEO of Siemens Finland, Janne Öhman.
Harri Kulmala, the CEO of DIMECC, MPD’s main organizer, also has his sight set on 2021.
‘First of all, a warm thank you to the record high number of partners who’s activities and efforts have made this wonderful event possible. MPD is the great encounter between Finnish, European and global industry, which we will definitely strive to develop further – for us the key to success is pursuing continuous improvement even when successful’, Kulmala summarizes as we head toward the next MPD.
Additional information:
Tomas Hedenborg, Chair, MPD Organisation Committee, +358 50 310 1999, tomas.hedenborg@fastems.com
Harri Kulmala, CEO, DIMECC Ltd, +358 40 840 6380, harri.kulmala@dimecc.com
About MPD
Manufacturing Performance Days (MPD) on kansainvälinen huipputason B2B-tapahtuma, joka kokoaa yhteen liki tuhat digitaalisen ja valmistavan teollisuuden vaikuttajaa Suomesta ja ulkomailta. MPD 2019 järjestetään 4.-6.6.2019 Tähtiareenalla Tampereella.
Manufacturing Performance Days (MPD) is an international top level B2B summit bringing together nearly thousand influencers of manufacturing and digitalizing industry from Finland and abroad. MPD 2019 is organized on June 4-6 2019 at Tähtiareena in Tampere, Finland.
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