Ateneumin taidemuseo / Konstmuseet Ateneum / Ateneum Art Museum

Silent Beauty invites you to admire the interplay of visual arts, ceramics and kimonos

From 14 June to 6 October 2019, the Ateneum Art Museum presents the exhibition Silent Beauty – Nordic and East-Asian Interaction. The exhibition delves into the simplified aesthetic that connects the Nordic countries and East Asia, especially in post-World War II art. The exhibition celebrates Finland’s and Japan’s continued active interaction: in the year 2019, one hundred years will have passed since diplomatic relations were established between the two countries. On the first day of the exhibition 14 June, we will celebrate the Ateneum Summer Party from 10:00 to 18:00, with free admission to the exhibition.
Ulla Rantanen: Stone in the Water (1980). Finnish National Gallery / Ateneum Art Museum. Photo: Finnish National Gallery / Petri Virtanen.
Ulla Rantanen: Stone in the Water (1980). Finnish National Gallery / Ateneum Art Museum. Photo: Finnish National Gallery / Petri Virtanen.

Nordic and East Asian art share the idea of everyday beauty and a connection with nature

The Silent Beauty exhibition juxtaposes visual art, ceramics, textile art and architecture by Finnish, Swedish, Japanese, Korean and Chinese artists. The works display a simplified and dynamic aesthetic: geometric shapes, sophisticated colours, and an appreciation of materials link the pieces exhibited. The exhibits include beautiful and functional everyday objects, such as sophisticated Asian ceramics and kimonos. The paintings, drawings and prints included in the exhibition feature abstract themes, as well as landscapes and still lifes. The exhibition includes more than 200 works, of which approximately one third are from the Ateneum collection.

The rich exhibition offers a meditative experience: at Silent Beauty, visitors can experience the atmosphere of Finnish nature and winter, in the centre of Helsinki. The exhibition features an abundance of Japanese art and artefacts. Both Finland and Japan have four seasons and share an interest in nature.

Silent Beauty continues the themes of the popular Japanomania

Silent Beauty – Nordic and East-Asian Interaction is a continuation of the exhibition Japanomania in the Nordic Countries 1875–1918, which was presented at the Ateneum in spring 2016. The popular exhibition prompted an examination of how the phenomenon continued in the 20th century, and what new forms it took. Where does the simplified Nordic aesthetic come from, and how is it connected to visual arts? Why does the Nordic aesthetic appeal particularly to East Asian people?

Silent Beauty specifically explores the two-way interaction between the cultures: the exhibition project demonstrates that East Asian art was also influenced by the Nordic aesthetic. Nordic artists, designers and architects travelled to Japan, and correspondingly, Japanese artists and designers travelled to Europe and the Nordic countries. Nordic artists took influences from China and Korea, as well as Japan.  

The artists featured in the exhibition include Heidi Blomstedt, Shoji Hamada, Erkki Heikkilä, Rune Jansson, Aimo Kanerva, Carl Kylberg, Maija and Ahti Lavonen, Bernard Leach, Ufan Lee, Ulla Rantanen, Kyllikki Salmenhaara, Key Sato, Helene Schjerfbeck, Jaakko Sievänen, Per Stenius, Zao Wou-Ki and Samiro Yunoki. The exhibition presents a large number of works from Japan, including from the Japan Folk Crafts Museum in Tokyo and the Museum of Modern Art, Hayama. Works are on loan from, for example, the Design Museum in Helsinki, the Gothenburg Museum of Art and the Moderna Museet in in Sweden, and the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark.

Silent Beauty is co-produced by the Ateneum Art Museum and the Prins Eugen’s Waldemarsudde art museum in Stockholm. The curators of the Ateneum exhibition are Anne-Maria Pennonen and Anna-Maria von Bonsdorff. The exhibition will be on display at Prins Eugen’s Waldemarsudde in spring 2020. The exhibition coincides with the release of a publication, in Finnish, Swedish and English, produced by the Ateneum. 

Free admission to the Ateneum Summer Party on the opening day

Everyone is welcome to join us in celebrating the exhibition opening and the Ateneum Summer Party on Friday 14 June, 10:00 to 18:00. Free admission! During the day, you can, for example, explore the Silent Beauty and Stories of Finnish Art exhibitions, participate in a flower workshop, enjoy the singing of the Kallion Kantaattikuoro choir in the main stairwell, or let loose to the beat of Finnish pop hits with Ville Leinonen & Futureiman. You are also invited to listen to the opening speeches in the Ateneum courtyard at 16:00. View the full programme:

Events related to the exhibition

Check out all the events:

Thursdays 22 Aug, 29 Aug, 5 Sep and 12 Sep, 9:00–10:00
Back to work – morning yoga at the Ateneum. Now is your chance to experience something new! Tickets: €25 per class from the Ateneum online shop.

Thursdays 29 Aug, 12 Sep and 26 Sep, 17:00
Silent Beauty lecture series
The speakers include the curator Anne-Maria Pennonen, the chief curator Anna-Maria von Bonsdorff and the architect Severi Blomstedt. In Finnish.

Sat 14 Sep, 11:00–15:30
Silent Beauty theme day
During the day, you can listen to lectures in the Ateneum Hall, sink your hands into clay in a workshop, or participate in a guided mindfulness tour of the exhibition. The lectures in the Ateneum Hall are moderated by the curator of the exhibition, Anne-Maria Pennonen. In Finnish.

Private guided tours, including the Under the Surface guided tour
During this guided tour, intended for small groups, the emphasis is on calmly enjoying a few selected works. The materiality of art is also felt through the sense of touch, with the help of small ceramic objects. Read more:

Opening hours: Tue, Fri 10–18 | Wed, Thu 10–20 | Sat, Sun 10–17 | Mon closed

Admission fees: Normal admission fee €17 | Concessions €15 | Under 18-year-olds free of charge

Twitter: @AteneumMuseum | Facebook: AteneumArtMuseum | Instagram: ateneummuseum



Anna Kari, Communications Officer, tel. +358 40 717 8185, anna.kari at

Press photos: | username: ateneum | password: mediat


Ulla Rantanen: Stone in the Water (1980). Finnish National Gallery / Ateneum Art Museum. Photo: Finnish National Gallery / Petri Virtanen.
Ulla Rantanen: Stone in the Water (1980). Finnish National Gallery / Ateneum Art Museum. Photo: Finnish National Gallery / Petri Virtanen.
Kyllikki Salmenhaara: Bottles (1953). Design Museum. Photo: Finnish National Gallery / Hannu Pakarinen.
Kyllikki Salmenhaara: Bottles (1953). Design Museum. Photo: Finnish National Gallery / Hannu Pakarinen.
Zao Wou-Ki: Painting (1959). Finnish National Gallery / Ateneum Art Museum. Photo: Finnish National Gallery / Hannu Aaltonen.
Zao Wou-Ki: Painting (1959). Finnish National Gallery / Ateneum Art Museum. Photo: Finnish National Gallery / Hannu Aaltonen.
Shōji Hamada: Bowl (1956). Japan Folk Crafts Museum, Tokyo. Photo: Japan Folk Crafts Museum.
Shōji Hamada: Bowl (1956). Japan Folk Crafts Museum, Tokyo. Photo: Japan Folk Crafts Museum.
Ahti Lavonen: Ink Drawing, 1963. Finnish National Gallery / Ateneum Art Museum. Photo: Finnish National Gallery / Hannu Karjalainen.
Ahti Lavonen: Ink Drawing, 1963. Finnish National Gallery / Ateneum Art Museum. Photo: Finnish National Gallery / Hannu Karjalainen.


About Ateneumin taidemuseo / Konstmuseet Ateneum / Ateneum Art Museum

Ateneumin taidemuseo / Konstmuseet Ateneum / Ateneum Art Museum
Ateneumin taidemuseo / Konstmuseet Ateneum / Ateneum Art Museum
Kaivokatu 2

0294 500 200

Ateneum Art Museum is Finland’s leading art museum, which houses Finnish art from the 19th century to the modern age. Ateneum’s main corporate partner is HOK-Elanto. Ateneum is part of the Finnish National Gallery, together with the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma and Sinebrychoff Art Museum.


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Latest releases from Ateneumin taidemuseo / Konstmuseet Ateneum / Ateneum Art Museum

1800-talets kvinnliga konstnärer och Wien i början av 1900-talet presenterar sig på utställningarna år 202514.11.2024 14:00:00 EET | Pressmeddelande

På Konstmuseet Ateneum ses år 2025 två tillfälliga utställningar. Gränsöverskridare samlar för första gången 1800-talets resande kvinnliga konstnärers arbeten 7.3–24.8.2025. Gallen-Kallela, Klimt & Wien som visas 26.9.2025–1.2.2026 berättar om hur Akseli Gallen-Kallelas konst utvecklades i interaktion med internationella modernisterna som Gustav Klimt och Koloman Moser. Samtidigt visas samlingsutställningen En tidsfråga. Den nu pågående utställningen Gothic Modern visas fram till den 26 januari 2025.

Vuoden 2025 näyttelyissä esittäytyvät 1800-luvun naistaiteilijat ja 1900-luvun alun Wien14.11.2024 14:00:00 EET | Tiedote

Ateneumin taidemuseossa nähdään vuonna 2025 kaksi vaihtuvaa näyttelyä. Rajojen rikkojat tuo ensimmäistä kertaa yhteen 1800-luvun matkustavien naistaiteilijoiden työtä 7.3.–24.8.2025. 26.9.2025–1.2.2026 nähtävä Gallen-Kallela, Klimt & Wien kertoo, miten Akseli Gallen-Kallelan taide kehittyi vuorovaikutuksessa kansainvälisten modernistien, kuten Gustav Klimtin ja Koloman Moserin kanssa. Lisäksi esillä on kokoelmanäyttely Ajan kysymys. Tällä hetkellä nähtävä Gothic Modern -näyttely on esillä 26. tammikuuta 2025 asti.

The 2025 exhibitions to feature women artists of the 1800s and the Vienna of the early 1900s14.11.2024 14:00:00 EET | Press release

In 2025, the Ateneum Art Museum will present two temporary exhibitions. From 7 March to 24 August 2025, Crossing Borders will, for the first time, bring together in one exhibition the work of travelling women artists from the 1800s. To be shown from 26 September 2025 to 1 February 2026, Gallen-Kallela, Klimt & Wien will explore how Akseli Gallen-Kallela’s art developed in interaction with international modernists, such as Gustav Klimt and Koloman Moser. Also on show will be the collection exhibition A Question of Time. The Gothic Modern exhibition, currently on display, will run until January 26, 2025.

Välkommen till presskonferensen för Gothic Modern-utställningen på onsdag den 2 oktober 2024 kl. 10:00:00 EEST | Pressmeddelande

Presskonferensen för utställningen hålls onsdagen 2.10.2024 kl. 10.15 både på Ateneum och på nätet – noggrannare information nedan. Medeltidens och renässansens konst erbjöd 1900-talets konstnärer emotionellt material och metoder för att behandla människans innersta känslor, psykets mörka sidor samt födseln, döden, lidandet och sexualiteten. Utställningen Gothic Modern – från mörker till ljus lyfter fram ett fascinerande fenomen som inte förr har granskats i konsthistorien, och belyser hur det uppträder i kända konstnärers verk. Ateneum inledde det betydande, internationella samarbetsprojektet redan år 2018, och museet blir också den första platsen där utställningen visas, 4.10.2024–26.1.2025.

Tervetuloa Gothic Modern -näyttelyn tiedotustilaisuuteen keskiviikkona 2.10.202418.9.2024 10:00:00 EEST | Tiedote

Näyttelyn tiedotustilaisuus on ke 2.10.2024 sekä Ateneumissa että verkossa klo 10.15 – lisätiedot alempana. Keskiajan ja renessanssin taide tarjosi 1800- ja 1900 -lukujen taiteilijoille emotionaalista materiaalia ja tapoja käsitellä ihmisen perimmäisiä tuntemuksia, psyyken pimeää puolta sekä syntymää, kuolemaa, kärsimystä ja seksuaalisuutta. Gothic Modern – pimeydestä valoon -näyttely nostaa esille kiehtovan ilmiön, jota ei ole aikaisemmin taidehistoriassa käsitelty, ja tarkastelee sen esiintymistä tunnettujen taiteilijoiden teoksissa. Ateneum käynnisti merkittävän, kansainvälisen yhteistyöhankkeen jo vuonna 2018, ja museo toimii myös näyttelyn ensimmäisenä esityspaikkana 4.10.2024–26.1.2025.

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