Helsingin kaupunki, kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala

Malmitalo’s new club series, A la Malmi, introduces quality music outside the mainstream

The A la Malmi club series was born from the idea of having the most exciting new music produced and performed by independent Finnish artists presented in a concert hall environment where music and content take centre stage. In spring season 2020, the A la Malmi series will present Lehtojärven Hirvenpää, Pekko Käppi & K:H:H:L, Maustetytöt, Räjäyttäjät and Mikko Joensuu.
Tango orchestra from Lapland Lehtojärven Hirvenpää Thu 20 February at 7 pm. Photo: Antti Sepponen
Tango orchestra from Lapland Lehtojärven Hirvenpää Thu 20 February at 7 pm. Photo: Antti Sepponen

Bands and artists outside the mainstream are often only seen at venues that function as bars/nightclubs and where the gigs start late at night. A la Malmi offers an alternative with its slightly earlier starting time and its concert hall environment catering to the audience, where each guest has their own comfortable seat and top-notch acoustics and sound. With this, we also want to serve the performers in the best possible way; the setting must be in order so that the artists can focus on their music and performance.

The aim was to choose emerging and especially the most interesting acts from the current Finnish music scene for the club series. A la Malmi does not care about genre boundaries. Instead, the spring season will bring you rock, ethnic music, folk, pop as well as tango and electro influences. In the future, the goal is to showcase as wide a selection of good music as possible that has not necessarily become sufficiently familiar to the public yet, at least in our opinion. The idea is that A la Malmi will live for years to come, bringing the most exciting breezes of high-quality indie music outside the inner city, and best of all, with reasonable ticket prices and good public transport connection.

The fully licensed Restaurant Malmitalo serves club customers before the concerts and during possible intermissions.


Tickets €15/12 + delivery fee, www.lippu.fi/en


Thu 20 February at 7 pm Lehtojärven Hirvenpää

Lehtojärven Hirvenpää is a new era tango orchestra from Lapland. Musician Harri Kuusijärvi’s progressive schlager music compositions are intensified by singer Jaakko Laitinen’s lyrics that explore the fundamentals and structures of reality. The band’s debut album, released in November 2019, is a stunning blend of the wondrous magic of life and the nonsense of the universe.

Jaakko Laitinen – vocals, lyrics

Harri Kuusijärvi – accordion, composition

Sara Puljula – double bass

Tuomas Timonen – drums


Fri 6 March at 7 pm Pekko Käppi & K:H:H:L

Folk music, mysticism and popular culture come together in the band’s works in a unique and personal way. As Pekko Käppi plays his jouhikko, the air is filled with an ambience of shamanistic magic. The band’s expression spins around in the paranoid world of Finnish voodoo, taking the listener, bones and all, into the present moment that flares towards every direction.

Pekko Käppi – jouhikko, vocals

Nuutti Vapaavuori – bass

Tommi Laine – guitar

Jani Auvinen – drums


Fri 3 April at 7 pm Maustetytöt

The sound of the band is based on melodic, inventive pop songs. The songs tell stories about work and unemployment, simultaneous deprivation and excess, upbringing and growing up and even berry picking. Maustetytöt is a pop band consisting of two country sisters with uncompromising punk attitude for all the people. The band’s long-awaited debut album was released in October 2019.


Thu 16 April at 7 pm Räjäyttäjät

The music of Räjäyttäjät brings to mind the old cacophonous rock cassette tapes found in the glove compartment of a summer car and purchased from the discount section of a gas station. With the release of their latest album in December 2019, it has become very clear that the band is slashing and burning rock music to the ground – in the name of love. Just to allow the music to grow again into an even more spectacular bloom.

Jukka Nousiainen – vocals, guitar

Mikko ‘Rock’ Siltanen – bass

Alex Reed – drums


Fri 8 May at 7 pm Mikko Joensuu

In Mikko Joensuu’s solo production, the power of the music stems from the content. The bleak texts and fragile, echoing and naked compositions form the backbone of an intense and powerful performance. Released in 2016–2017, the album trilogy Amen garnered acclaim from both the public and critics, with the acknowledgements culminating in the Teosto Prize.



My Dear Journalist, You are welcome to these concerts and You can ask press tickets or/and more information: Cultural Producer of Malmitalo Joni Käenmäki, 040 5836668, joni.kaenmaki@hel.fi



Cultural Producer of Malmitalo
Joni Käenmäki
040 5836668
Malmitalo, Ala-Malmin tori 1, Helsinki
PL 70402, 00099 Helsinki City

Communications Planner Irene Salama

+358 9 310 80825 /+358 400 293376
Fredrikinkatu 65 A, 00100 Helsinki
PL 10416
00099 Helsinki City


Tango orchestra from Lapland Lehtojärven Hirvenpää Thu 20 February at 7 pm. Photo: Antti Sepponen
Tango orchestra from Lapland Lehtojärven Hirvenpää Thu 20 February at 7 pm. Photo: Antti Sepponen
Pekko Käppi & K:H:H:L
Pekko Käppi & K:H:H:L
Maustetytöt Photo: Aki Roukala
Maustetytöt Photo: Aki Roukala
Räjäyttäjät. Photo: Antti Sepponen
Räjäyttäjät. Photo: Antti Sepponen
Mikko Joensuu. Photo: Tero Ahonen
Mikko Joensuu. Photo: Tero Ahonen

Tietoja julkaisijasta

Helsingin kaupunki, kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala
Helsingin kaupunki, kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala


Malmitalo on vilkas ja eloisa Koillis-Helsingin kulttuurikeskus, jossa viihdytään erityisesti elokuvien, rytmimusiikin, näyttelyiden, teatteri- ja tanssitaiteen sekä koko perheen tapahtumien parissa. Malmitalo on yksi Helsingin kaupungin kulttuuripalvelujen alueellisista kulttuurikeskuksista.

Malmitalo, Ala-Malmin tori 1, 00700 Helsinki


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