The Finnish Ice Hockey League – Liiga – available from DNA everywhere in Finland

DNA and MTV have agreed on offering the Telia Liigapassi and Telia Liigapassi UHD channel packages as part of the DNA TV selection. Telia Liigapassi includes all Liiga matches on seven channels as well as one studio channel. DNA’s cable homes are also offered a package with a super-sharp ultra-high-definition channel. The packages also include a catch-up service where matches can be viewed for 7 days afterwards without the subscriber having to take care of the recording themselves.
“Ice hockey is an extremely popular TV sport in Finland, so naturally we also want to keep the Finnish men’s main league in our selection. With DNA TV Hubi, fans can watch all matches, whether they are in front of the TV at home or their summerhouse,” says Pekka Väisänen, Senior Vice President, Consumer Business.
DNA TV Hubi enables you to watch the matches as an IPTV service over broadband anywhere in Finland. Based on the Android operating system, DNA TV Hubi combines the familiar TV, rental shops and online TV apps into one simple package. The channels can be viewed on all TV screens. Subscribers in DNA’s cable network and DNA TV Hubi’s subscribers can also follow the matches on the DNA TV mobile app from, for example, their phone or tablet.
In addition to the DNA TV Hubi device, DNA’s channel packages can also be ordered to a traditional TV card in DNA’s cable network. The cable network’s high-definition Liiga UHD channel can be watched on any UHD TV (4K).
”MTV strives to build the Liiga the biggest sports phenomenon in Finland again. We are pleased that our long-term partner DNA will also distribute Liiga with us and bring Telia Liigapassi available to DNA’s customers,” says Emmi Vainionpää, Director, Head of Distribution MTV Oy.
According to a digital lifestyle study DNA had commissioned this spring*), almost three out of four (68%) consider it important that they can find the TV programmes they want – such as sports – conveniently in one place.
“The DNA TV service keeps all entertainment in one place, and it can be followed conveniently with one subscription, whether you are at home or using a mobile device,” Väisänen says.
Telia Liigapassi can also be ordered as an affordable addition to the DNA SportMix package. You can select the sports channel packages of your choice to the SportMix package, and you can change the packages once a month. SportMix also offers NHL, Formula 1, Premier League and UEFA Champions League among others. In addition to your choice of packages, SportMix always includes a DNA Sport package with seven sports channels.
Telia Liigapassi channel packages will be available from all DNA sales channels: the webshop, DNA Stores, DNA sales service and customer service.
*) The Digital lifestyle (“Digitaaliset elämäntavat”) survey was commissioned by DNA and conducted by Nepa Insight Oy at the end of March 2020.
Media enquiries:
Pekka Väisänen, Senior Vice President, Consumer Business, DNA Plc, tel. +358 44 0400 168,
Director, Head of Distribution Emmi Vainionpää, MTV Oy, tel. +358 50 408 4843,
DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 44 044 8000,

About DNA Oyj
DNA is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Finland. We want to make our customers' daily lives less complicated. We offer connections, services and devices for homes and workplaces, contributing to the digitalisation of society. DNA's customers are continuously among the world mobile data usage leaders. We are Finland's largest cable TV operator. DNA has more than 4 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The company was ranked the best employer in Finland in the large companies category of the 2019 Great Place to Work survey. In 2019, our net sales were EUR 942 million and we employ about 1,600 people around Finland. DNA is a part of Telenor Group, a leading telecommunications company across the Nordics. More information:, Twitter @DNA_fi, Facebook and LinkedIn @DNA-Oyj.
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