FENTEC launches FENTEC 24/7 Cabinet™ self-service storage for optimizing product availability and inventory turnover
FENTEC’s innovative VMI solution supports service providers’ businesses
Self-service consignment stock is placed at customers’ premises close to the point of use. The products offered by the service provider are available to customers 24/7. Real-time inventory after each interaction enables automatic re-orders to customers’ ERP and invoicing. FENTEC 24/7 Cabinet is never out-of-stock, hence it offers excellent service to customers.
FENTEC’s intelligent cabinet enhances service providers’ business by improving inventory turnover, minimizing product loss and shortening supply chain. It enables sales forecasting based on consumption patterns. FENTEC 24/7 Cabinet frees the service provider to focus on developing their own core business.
”Our experienced R&D team developed the novel FENTEC 24/7 Cabinet by listening to customers’ and markets’ needs. Several technical innovations of the solution have been patented”, tells Jari Kinnunen, CEO of FENTEC. The launched product is already in use at the customer sites and is acknowledged. “Our solution has evoked interest in several market areas and we are currently negotiating about pilot projects”, Kinnunen says.
FENTEC 24/7 Cabinet is part of the turnkey solution based on RFID technology, including remote management software, connectivity, project and support services. Supplementing services can be added, such as RFID-tags used in identifying products. FENTEC 24/7 Solution product family will be complemented in the future.
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Contact details:
Jari Kinnunen, CEO
puh. +358 40 084 6167
FENTEC is a unique Finnish technology company creating resource efficiency and growth for its customers’ businesses with innovative storage & turnkey RFID solutions. FENTEC serves over 100 industrial, logistics, healthcare and service companies in Europe. FENTEC is seeking growth from international markets. www.fentec.fi
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