Discendum and Likeit Nepton Group joining forces
Discendum is the leading provider of digital learning platforms in Finland. Likeit Nepton Group is a strong software group providing SaaS services. Our vision is to be the most desirable SaaS community in Finland, which the best providers want to join and whose services customer companies seeking success want to buy.
The services of the renewed Likeit Nepton Group are used by over 290,000 persons in Finland and Northern Europe. Group has over 950 customers across different industries. Market position of the group is strong in for example finance, staffing and public sectors. The combined 2021 group revenue is over 10 million euros, which is mostly accumulating from continuous SaaS services. The group employs 80 professionals in Espoo, Tampere and Oulu.
The merger of the companies does not have any contractual or operational effects on customers, partners, or employees. All services provided by the group companies remain as before.
Goal of the group owners is to continue strong growth and develop new services in the fields of HR, learning, work management, payroll automation and analytics. Services will continue to be offered directly to customers and through partner networks. The Finnish private equity investor Sponsor Capital joined the group as an owner in 2020 to support reaching these goals.
Ways of working and digital learning are rapidly transforming both in Finland and globally. Demand for the services provided by the new group is strong. Group companies are in excellent position to respond to the changes in the ways of working with their easy-to-use SaaS services. Committed professional employees are in key position to enable the continuing growth and development of group companies.
Management in group companies remains as before. Kaj Rintala continues as CEO of Likeit Nepton Group and Tuomas Kuusivaara continues as CEO of Discendum.
"Joining forces with Likeit Nepton Group creates excellent growth opportunity for us and allows us to act as a trendsetter in the fields of agile digital working, learning platforms and competence management.", says Discendum CEO Tuomas Kuusivaara.
"It’s great to have Discendum professionals joining our community. The Priima learning platform complements our Likeit and Nepton services very well, so together we offer even more comprehensive package for our customers.", says Likeit Nepton Group CEO Kaj Rintala.
More information:
Tuomas Kuusivaara, CEO, Discendum Oy
040 530 2137, tuomas.kuusivaara@discendum.fi
Kaj Rintala, CEO, Likeit Nepton Group Oy
040 141 3040, kaj.rintala@likeit.fi
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