Espoon kaupunki - Esbo stad

Record number of dwellings built in Espoo

In 2021, a record number of dwellings were completed in Espoo: 5,482. This is more than ever before and noticeably more than the previous year (4,081 flats).
Last year, almost 5,500 new dwellings were completed in Espoo. Photo from Vermonniitty. Photo: Katja Repo, City of Espoo
Last year, almost 5,500 new dwellings were completed in Espoo. Photo from Vermonniitty. Photo: Katja Repo, City of Espoo

The number of new dwellings that have been started also broke records: 6,177. The number of dwellings started corresponded to the number from 2020 (6,159 flats).

The number of building permits granted for housing also remained on an elevated level. Building permits were granted for 5,737 dwellings in 2021, when the same number for the previous year was 6,434.

The number of housing units constructed exceeded the annual housing production goal for Espoo, which is 3,300 units.

“Based on the number of dwellings started and building permits granted, it looks like this trend will be continuing in the coming years,” says Housing Manager  Anne Savolainen.

The housing production goals are defined in the shared agreements on land use, housing and transport (MAL agreements) between the government and municipalities. The current MAL agreement is valid from 2020 to 2031. Espoo is included in the MAL agreement for the Helsinki region, along with 14 other municipalities.

The share of apartment buildings of the housing production in Espoo has increased, but small residential houses are still being built. Of the dwellings completed, 887 were in detached houses, two thirds of which were single-family houses. Of the dwellings started, 912 were in detached houses.

Most dwellings located along railways

Most of the new dwellings were completed in Suurpelto, Perkkaa, Niittykumpu and Jousenpuisto in Tapiola . The construction of many new housing sites was also started in these areas.In addition to the areas above, plenty of new construction was also started in Espoonlahti, Finnoo and Olari.

Share of rental housing on the rise

More than half of the completed dwellings  rental homes. In particular, the share of non-subsidised rental apartments of housing construction has increased significantly over the past few years.

The number of completed ARA rental dwellings was 708, which exceeded the goal set in the MAL agreement (660 dwellings). The number of completed right-of-occupancy homes was 215 and that of short-term interest subsidy homes was 87.

The number of started ARA rental dwellings was 833. Of these, Espoon Asunnot Oy started building 430. As for right-of-occupancy housing, 225 dwellings were started, whereas the same number for short-term interest subsidy ARA rental dwellings was 147.




Last year, almost 5,500 new dwellings were completed in Espoo. Photo from Vermonniitty. Photo: Katja Repo, City of Espoo
Last year, almost 5,500 new dwellings were completed in Espoo. Photo from Vermonniitty. Photo: Katja Repo, City of Espoo

About Espoon kaupunki - Esbo stad

Espoon kaupunki - Esbo stad
Espoon kaupunki - Esbo stad
PL 1 / PB 1

+358 9 816 21

A networked Espoo comprising five city centres will be a pioneering responsible and
humane city that is a good place to live, learn, work and do business in and where residents can have their say in matters.



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