Vantaan Kiinnike ja Rak Oy aims for growth with the support of Sponsor Capital
Van-ki is a building and technical trade specialist with broad offering of fastening products and other small tools and supplies used in construction sector. The company also delivers the products with same-day delivery to the customer’s site. Van-ki has a pick-up store and warehouse situated in Helsinki and it currently employs over 20 persons.
Van-Ki's CEO Aki Laine sees the arrangement as a natural continuation of the company's long-term growth story.
- Until now, we have grown in a controlled manner, focusing on strong customer service on our own. Now is a natural time to launch the implementation of Van-ki's growth plan, supported by Sponsor Capital. With broader shoulders, we will be able to serve our customers more comprehensively in the future. Our goal is to expand geographically and further develop our product offering.
Ari Laine, Sales Director at Van-ki, praises the committed and professional staff for their efforts.
- Our customer service culture requires a lot of focus from the entire organisation. We are therefore very pleased with the work of our committed and professional staff. We want to continue to be the best employer for our staff and first choice for our customers. Van-ki's future growth goals require additional resources that we will be able to secure with the new expanded ownership base.
Matti Virolainen, partner at Sponsor Capital, sees Van-ki as a great company operating in an interesting industry.
- We are proud to be able to take Van-ki towards the next growth phase with the management and staff who have done a great job. Van-Ki is an exceptionally fine company that has achieved a strong position among its customers. Customer-centricity and strong technical knowledge of the industry's products are strengths on which it is good to build future development plans.
Aki Laine, CEO, Vantaan Kiinnike ja Rak Oy, +358 40 825 8495
Ari Laine, Sales Director, Vantaan Kiinnike ja Rak Oy,+358 400 833 631
Matti Virolainen, Sponsor Capital Oy, +358 44 339 3984
About Sponsor Capital Oy
Vantaan Kiinnike ja Rak Oy
Van-ki is a building and technical trade specialist with broad offering of fastening products and other small tools and supplies used in construction sector. The company is known for its worksite deliveries besides physical store located in Helsinki. Van-ki revenue in 2021 is approximately 15 million euros and it employs over 20 persons.
Sponsor Capital
Sponsor Capital is a Finnish private equity firm established in 1997, investing in small and medium-sized companies. Sponsor Capital’s investment targets are Finnish companies which operate in Finland or have already expanded to international markets. Since its establishment, nearly 800 million euros have been invested into Sponsor Capital’s funds. Today, Sponsor Capital is managing private equity funds worth of a total of 428 million euros.
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