MB Funds to sell Raksystems to Trill Impact
Raksystems Group, established in 1989, is a property wellbeing expert and specializes in Green Building Services, and Inspection, Surveys and Certifications. During the recent years the company has continued its strong organic growth and accelerated the growth by expanding its service offering in various areas such as in green building services, humidity management services, indoor air services and construction project management services. The company’s net sales is approximately 70 million euros and the company employs c. 650 professionals in 28 offices in Finland and Sweden. Today, Raksystems is the leading property wellbeing expert in the Nordics.
During the MB Funds’ ownership, the vision and the growth strategy of Raksystems was reformulated to become the leading property wellbeing expert in the Nordics, and according to its strategy the company has completed eleven add-on acquisitions in Finland and Sweden. The international expansion of Raksystems and its business has been successful and today approximately half of the company’s net sales comes from Sweden. In addition, the sustainability agenda of Raksystems has been strengthened and the company launched a new business area of Green Building Services that provides various services for example for optimizing the impacts of properties to the environment during the lifecycle of properties as well as the impacts of environment to the properties. The company’s net sales nearly four-fold under MB Funds’ ownership.
“The cooperation with MB Funds has brought us a new vision and boldness to the growth and internationalization as well as to manage the transformation and growth of the business. I’m pleased that we have succeeded to make Raksystems the leading property wellbeing expert in the Nordics and next we can continue our international expansion journey with sustainability-focused Trill Impact.”, tells Marko Malmivaara, the CEO of Raksystems.
“Raksystems has made an amazing internationalization journey in three and a half years of which a huge thanks belong to the whole Raksystems team and the dynamic corporate culture that leads the company forward through its values. It has been amazing to do this great growth story together with Raksystems’s team, and we are very pleased that the company gets a new great owner to continue the company’s growth story.”, says Kimmo Vanne, the Partner of MB Funds.
The transaction is subject to customary closing and regulatory approval, and the target is to complete the acquisition as soon as possible.
Kimmo Vanne
Partner, MB Funds
+358 40 552 8398 or kimmo.vanne@mb.fi
About MB Rahastot
MB Funds briefly
MB Funds is the leading Finnish private equity investor founded in 1988. Total assets under MB Funds management stand at 0.5 billion euro with prime Finnish institutions as its main fund investors. MB Funds has successfully invested in approx. 50 mid-sized companies in the Nordics. www.mb.fi
Raksystems – the best in the Nordic countries – every day!
The Raksystems Group’s mission is to assist property owners in keeping their buildings in good condition. A building that is in good condition promotes the wellbeing of both the residents and the owners, as well as benefits the environment: we actively promote sustainable choices and values. Our services reduce the environmental impact of buildings and encourage customers to make better choices.
We employ some 650 people in Finland and Sweden. Raksystems was established in 1989. For more information, please visit www.raksystems.com.
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