FSP For Surface Protection Oy

FSP For Surface Protection is gearing up in Sweden

FSP’s business in Sweden will be integrated with the global FSP organization alongside Finnish, Polish and Estonian branches.
FSP For Surface Protection, Stargard, Poland
FSP For Surface Protection, Stargard, Poland

FSP’s business in Sweden will be integrated with the global FSP organization alongside Finnish, Polish and Estonian branches. FSP’s strategic guidelines and working methods will be implemented in every country and supported by global group management.

Jacob Ramberg has been appointed General Manager Western Europe. Jacob’s tasks will therefor also include the implementation of the FSP strategy in new locations throughout Western Europe.

FSP has many on-going activities in Sweden. The large powder and wet-painting unit in Hudiksvall is taking operations to the next level as integration will bring more of FSP’s global resources to use in Sweden.

As a result of the merger, FSP’s position as a one of the leading surface treatment service providers in Europe is strengthened,thus enabling further expansion according to our vision.



Jarno Huttunen
+358 50 400 2082


FSP For Surface Protection, Stargard, Poland
FSP For Surface Protection, Stargard, Poland


About FSP For Surface Protection Oy

FSP For Surface Protection Oy
FSP For Surface Protection Oy
Kalliosolantie 3
01740 VANTAA

+358 50 400 2082https://www.fspcorp.com

FSP Finnish Steel Painting Oy is one of Europe's leading industrial surface treatment companies. We provide turnkey service, so our customers can fully focus on their core competencies. FSP employs more than 300 professionals in Northern Europe. In 2022, FSP will have a turnover of approximately €35M.

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