International movie production filmed in Tampere, Finland – the thriller Abyss stars Tuva Novotny and Peter Franzén (CORRECTION 09.09.2022 at 17.30: name of the cinematographer has been corrected)
The production involved around 35 Finnish working group representatives and more than 100 assistants. The thriller will receive its theatrical premiere in Finland and Sweden in autumn 2023.An international distribution agreement has also been signed for the film.
The thriller stars Swedish actress Tuva Novotny (Eat Pray Love, The Middle Man) and the Finnish actor Peter Franzén (Vikings, Beck, Johan Falk).The film is directed by Richard Holm, whose work includes for example directing the Johan Falk film series.In addition, he has directed, the TV series The Machinery, Heder and Gåsmamman.
The cinematographer of the production is Anssi Leino (Sorjonen, Karppi), and the Finn Mikko Tenhunen (Tuntematon sotilas, Helene) is Finnish co-producer.The other filming locations are in Sweden and Spain.
The film is set in Kiruna, Sweden, where mining over many years threatens to collapse the entire town.Events in the film that happen specifically in Kiruna were shot in the Tampere region.Filming has also taken place at the Sandvik Test Mine.
- Tampere is a wonderful filming location.There is a flexible attitude here and the professionals of the region are incomparable.We will surely return to film here in the future,” says SF Studios’ Producer, Joakim Hansson.
- We are really excited that the production chose Tampere.The Hollywood film Dual, previously shot in the city,successfully paved the way for new international productions, and the City of Tampere’s strong strategic intent to develop the AV industry is bearing fruit.Tampere has an abundance of film industry expertise and international quality specialists.These productions are an outstanding place for professionals to further develop their skills,” says Film Tampere’s Development Director, Antti Toiviainen.
For further information, please contact:
Antti Toiviainen, Development Director, Film Tampere
Tel. +358 40 772 6809
Joakim Hansson, Producer, SF Studios
Tel. +46 73 944 33 30
Business Tampere
Business Tampere, the economic development agency of the Tampere region, promotes investments and creates an attractive environment for sustainable business activity.The company's operations are guided by the economic development strategy of the Tampere region.Let’s create a new Tampere region.Together.
SF Studios
For more than a 100 years, SF Studios has been the leading film company in the Nordic countries,with its headquarters in Stockholm and subsidiaries in Norway, Denmark and Finland.SF Studios produces filmed entertainment for the cinema, television and home entertainment,and is also the leading distributor of local and foreign films in the Nordic market..Business areas include Nordic production as well as Nordic and international co-productions, theatrical and home entertainment distribution, international sales and digital streaming services.
Joakim Hansson, Producer, SF Studios
Tel. +46 73 944 33 30
Antti ToiviainenKehitysjohtaja, Film Tampere
Puh:+358 40-772 6809antti.toiviainen@businesstampere.comKuvat
Tietoja julkaisijasta
Business Tampere on Tampereen kaupunkiseudun elinkeino- ja kehitysyhtiö, jonka tehtävä on edistää investointeja sekä luoda paras ympäristö yritystoiminnalle. Yhtiön toimintaa ohjaa Tampereen kaupunkiseudun elinkeinostrategia. Rakennetaan uutta Tampereen seutua. Yhdessä.
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