5G mmWave Hackathon 2022 launching in Tampere
The collaboration team invites all students and start-up developers to come together to design new XR applications utilizing the extensive data sets and data reach of the city. At the end of the intense hackathon, the concepts will be tested in the iconic Nokia Arena in Tampere, where best-in-class 5G mmWave networks are set to make Tampere one of the fastest cities in Europe. The aim is to combine local datasets with cutting edge 5G mmWave communications infrastructure to offer better services to citizens and city authorities.
The hackathon will commence with a kick-off event in the Nokia Arena on the 12th of September, which is open for all interested parties. The partners will gather for an interesting panel discussion about the possibilities of 5G mmWave, accompanied by a presentation of the Snapdragon Spaces™ XR Developer Platform and Hardware Developer Kit that all teams will have access to during the hackathon.
- This is a tremendous opportunity for developers to really explore the key capabilities and opportunities that 5G mmWave and XR present and to see what creative and innovative ideas they can bring to life. 5G mmwave brings fibre-like data speeds, incredibly low-latency for real-time interactivity and combines that with massive capacity; pair that with XR and in particular Snapdragon Spaces which is a powerful platform for creating ground-breaking applications. This is an exciting project, we are proud to be a part of it and look forward to seeing the results of the Hackathon, says George Tsirtsis, Senior Director, Technology, Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd.
- We are looking forward to welcoming the very best in developer talent to the Nokia Arena in Tampere next month. I’m particularly interested to see what innovative extended reality concepts, designs and ideas are going to be explored utilizing the huge capacity and ultra-high data speeds of Nokia’s 5G mmWave networks. Tampere is already one of the most advanced cities in terms of 5G networks in the world and these new ideas could help drive better city-wide services to its citizens and businesses, states Ari Kynäslahti, Head of Strategy and Technology at Nokia Mobile Networks.
- Elisa’s comprehensive 5G network and close cooperation in the Tampere region create excellent conditions for the innovation of new digital services - both for the city itself and for the entire ecosystem. The high frequency 5G network is interesting to the user because it can be used to create a particularly large mobile data transfer capacity in a small area, which is comparable to the current fiber connections offered to consumers. It is interesting to see what kind of usage possibilities for this kind of mobile network can be found at the hackathon, says Kalle Lehtinen, Technology Director at Elisa.
- We are extremely happy to have the global leading companies in wireless technologies join us in organizing this event in Tampere. The hackathon offers local developers and students a unique opportunity to show their skills, and we look forward to seeing what new ideas the teams will come up with," says Markku Niemi, program director of smart city development, from Business Tampere.
The hackathon is facilitated by Ultrahack. For additional information and detailed descriptions of the challenge, visit: https://ultrahack.org/xr-5g-hackathon-challenge
To register for the kick-off event on the 12th of September, click the link.
Further information:
Markku Niemi, Director, Smart City
Mobile: +358 50 511 7341
p. +358 (0)50 305 1605
Richard Tinkler, Senior Director, Marketing
Mobile: +44 7720 060619.
About Business Tampere
Business Tampere, the Tampere region economic development agency, promotes investments and creates an attractive environment for sustainable business in the region. We offer you our expertise in business service development, invest in and internationalisation opportunities.
About Elisa
Elisa’s mission is a sustainable future through digitalisation. We are a pioneer in telecommunications and digital services, and in 5G. We provide sustainable solutions for over 2.8 million consumer, corporate and public administration customers in our core markets of Finland and Estonia, as well as in over 100 countries internationally. In Finland, Elisa is a market leader in telecommunications, and our international cooperation partners include e.g. Vodafone and Tele2. Elisa is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki. In 2021, our revenue was EUR 2 billion and we employed 5,300 people in more than 20 countries. Elisa is a carbon-neutral company. elisa.com
About Nokia
At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together.
As a trusted partner for critical networks, we are committed to innovation and technology leadership across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. We create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.
Adhering to the highest standards of integrity and security, we help build the capabilities needed for a more productive, sustainable, and inclusive world.
About Qualcomm
Qualcomm is the world’s leading wireless technology innovator and the driving force behind the development, launch, and expansion of 5G. When we connected the phone to the internet, the mobile revolution was born. Today, our foundational technologies enable the mobile ecosystem and are found in every 3G, 4G and 5G smartphone. We bring the benefits of mobile to new industries, including automotive, the internet of things, and computing, and are leading the way to a world where everything and everyone can communicate and interact seamlessly.
Qualcomm Incorporated includes our licensing business, QTL, and the vast majority of our patent portfolio. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, operates, along with its subsidiaries, substantially all of our engineering, research and development functions, and substantially all of our products and services businesses, including our QCT semiconductor business.
Snapdragon and Snapdragon Spaces are trademarks or registered trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated. Snapdragon Spaces is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.
p. +358 (0)50 305 1605
Richard Tinkler, Senior Director, Marketing
Mobile: +44 7720 060619.
Markku NiemiAsiakkuusvastaava, yhteydet
Puh:050 511 7341markku.niemi@businesstampere.comKuvat
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Business Tampere on Tampereen kaupunkiseudun elinkeino- ja kehitysyhtiö, jonka tehtävä on edistää investointeja sekä luoda paras ympäristö yritystoiminnalle. Yhtiön toimintaa ohjaa Tampereen kaupunkiseudun elinkeinostrategia. Rakennetaan uutta Tampereen seutua. Yhdessä.
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