Kuori's breakthrough Window-facing Display design combines maximum visibility and resilience to direct sunlight in a minimum-profile installation
Kuori Window-facing Display solution has a unique thermal management system that prevents the common overheating issue that most window-facing digital signage screens experience. With the inbuilt thermal management system, achieving a longer operating life for the LCD is possible. For Kuori Window-facing Display, the driving design principle is the viewing envelope or the distance and angles from which you can see what’s on display.
Jarkko Jokelainen,Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Kuori, explains:
"For screens facing direct sunlight, a large gap is usually needed between the glass and display to prevent overheating. This narrows the viewing envelope, as from wider angles, reflection and other effects will make the display unreadable. With our unique thermal management system here at Kuori, we have reduced this gap to a single centimetre, dramatically improving customer experience and drastically reducing the space that the display needs to occupy.”
"Furthermore, we can offer an optional mounting solution that fixes the display directly to the window panel itself. This uses a high-strength adhesive for glueing the device to the window, eliminating the need for storefront modifications and unsightly mounting brackets.”
Jokelainen continues:
“We are excited on this occasion to launch our new Window-facing Display solution. It has been a long R&D process requiring intense collaboration with engineers and the customer excellence team. It is important for us to respond to our customer's needs and understand how we can solve them and support their business success.”
Kuori display solutions include outdoor and indoor touchscreens, outdoor displays, and payment terminals which are already used by hundreds of enterprises in xx countries around the world. The company’s ability to mass-customise solutions cost-effectively is based on its modular design principles, benefitting from its tech leadership combining electronics, software, mechanics and thermodynamics.
Markus Backman, Head of Sales at Kuori, states:
“For Kuori, the launch of this innovative window signage solution signifies a major addition to our product portfolio that is constantly developed to find new ways to ensure the ultimate consumer and user experience. Our digital experience solutions, in terms of software and hardware solutions, and how they can better assist, guide, communicate and enable various types of transactions for enterprises and experiences to consumers, is the mission that strives us forward.”
Berit Virtanen-Thewlis
Chief Marketing Officer
Kuori Oy
t. +358 40 5114460
Berit Virtanen-ThewlisChief Marketing OfficerKuori Oy / Marketing, Corporate Communications
About Kuori Oy
Kuori Oy, founded in 2015 in Finland, is a high-technology company specialising in designing and manufacturing Hardware and Software Interfaces for Digital Experience Platforms (DXP), and delivering them worldwide. Additionally, it has several pending patents relating to display technology. Its expertise delivers added value in various demanding environments: industrial displays, advertising, and payment terminals such as parking, EV charging and fast food. Kuori’s core competencies include Android OS development. By building its Android version, with full Google GMS compatibility and certification (EDLA), Kuori brings new advantages to its display and OS customers.
For more information, visit www.kuori.tech
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