Let's take over the Cable Factory! 28.3.3023
Let’s take over the Cable Factory! is an event that is organized now for the third time. In the past, the space has been taken over by street dancers, filmmakers, circus artists, gymnasts and many other performing arts enthusiasts and professionals. There have been people of all ages, alone and in different groups, and the event has received enthusiastic feedback. This time round, the event will take place during the week.
- The idea for these open-door events came originally from France. This year, we are taking the idea forward and collaborating with the DumBO cultural center in Bologna, Italy. It will organize its own similar event later in the spring. It's great that cultural centers can learn from each other and we are developing European urban culture, says event producer Raisa Karttunen.
- In these times, we need opportunities to meet each other and do nice things together, perhaps more than ever. By opening the doors to Merikaapelihalli, we offer a safe and free space for people to express themselves and an opportunity to be active, Karttunen continues.
The Cable Factory offers visitors an open space and electricity. But all the activities are created by the visitors themselves. You can come on your own or together with friends, family or other like-minded people. Bring along your own music or hobby equipment and come and see what is happening in the space.
Merikaapelihalli (Sea Cable Hall) at the Cable Factory is 110 meters long and 24 meters wide. The space is a total of 3,100 m2 and can accommodate more than 3,000 people. The space is being used 250 days a year and almost every weekend, but there are empty days too when it is available for free use by the public.
- The idea is to organize the event several times a year – whenever the space is available for free use. By doing this, we want to be involved in making the city a more collaborative and fun place to live in, says Karttunen.
A social media campaign is also taking place during the event encouraging people to express themselves. Please use the hashtag #valtaakaapeelitehdas and share videos and pictures of your interests, and inspire others to join.
The event is part of the Creative FLIP Twin Hubs project supported by the European Union.
Let's take over the Cable Factory! 28.3.2023 at 3pm-9pm
Kaapeliaukio 3, 00180 Helsinki
Access to Merikaapelihalli from the Glass Courtyard through the M5 door.
Raisa Karttunen
Puh. 050 375 1878
Raisa KarttunenTuottaja
Tel:050 371 7818raisa.karttunen@lasipalatsi.fiImages
About Kiinteistö Oy Kaapelitalo
Tallberginkatu 1 C 15
info@kaapelitehdas.fi, 09 4763 8300http://www.kaapelitehdas.fi
Kaapelitehtaan, N10:n ja Suvilahden kulttuurikeskuksia hallinnoi Helsingin kaupungin omistama Kiinteistö Oy Kaapelitalo, joka omistaa, peruskorjaa ja vuokraa vanhoja teollisuuskiinteistöjä kulttuurikäyttöön.
Kaapelitehdas on Suomen suurimpia kulttuurikeskuksia, jossa toimii mm. 3 museota, 10 galleriaa, ravintoloita ja kahviloita, tanssiteattereita, taidekouluja sekä taiteilijoita, bändejä ja luovien alojen yrityksiä. Kaapelitehtaan yhteydessä toimii myös Tanssin talo.
Suvilahden entisen sähkövoimalan ja kaasulaitoksen alueeseen kuuluu 9 rakennusta, 2 kaasukelloa sekä 2,5 hehtaaria piha-aluetta. Suvilahden ovat ottaneet omakseen monenlaiset kulttuuritoimijat kirjailijoista esittäviin taiteisiin ja uudesta sirkuksesta valokuvaajiin.
N10:n kiinteistö Vallilassa on lääkeyhtiö Orionin entinen pääkonttori ja lääketehdas. Viidessä toimistokerroksessa ja kahdessa kellarikerroksessa toimii noin 250 lähinnä kulttuuri- ja taidealan vuokralaista.
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