Inauguration of the new Viking Malt production plant in Lahti, Finland
The capacity of the new malting plant is about 85 000 t/y and it replaces the old plant in Lahti. The new plant enables production of base malts, a wide selection of specialty malts as well as Sprau, Viking Malt´s malted faba bean innovation. In addition, the modern factory supports the sustainability strategy of Viking Malt with improved energy efficiency and a better working environment from a health and safety point of view.
“Building this new plant was a true team effort”, says the CEO Kasper Madsen, involving not only resources from the Viking Malt but also a range of suppliers and the support of our customers. Managing such a complex project in times disrupted by both a pandemic and a war requires strong and reliable partners.”
Pär-Gustaf Relander, owner and Chairman of the Board says that opening a new plant in Lahti, Finland, is a significant milestone in the Viking Malt´s history and a step forward in the company´s long term strategy building a sustainable business for the generations to come.
Viking Malt sells its products globally to the brewing, distilling and food industries. The company has a long history and is today owned by Polttimo representing the 5th generation of the same family, and Lantmännen. Polttimo is celebrating its 140 years anniversary this year. Throughout its history, it has survived and thrived by adaptability to changes in the operating environment, and a strong focus on quality and innovation.
Today, Viking Malt Group has production in 5 countries: Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania as well as two plants in Poland. The production capacity is 610 000 t/y and the turnover of the group is appr. 300 million euros and the group employs appr. 260 employees. Viking Malt is the largest malting company in the Baltic Rim, 5th largest in Europe and 9th in the world. It is amongst the leading companies in specialty malts in the global market. Viking Malt Group is owned by Polttimo (62,5 %) and Svenska Lantmännen (37,5 %).
Additional information:
Pär-Gustaf Relander,
Chairman of the Board,
+358 50 552 3955
Kasper Madsen,
CEO Viking Malt Group,
+45 22 14 20 10
Pia Valve,
VP HR and Communications Viking Malt Group,
+358 40 7700090
About Viking Malt Oy
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