BDO Digital recognised as the winner of 2023 Microsoft Security Partner of the Year


BDO Digital today announced it has won the 2023 Microsoft Security Partner of the Year Award.  The company was honoured among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of client solutions based on Microsoft technology.

Microsoft Partner of the Year Award 2023

Pat Kramer, CEO BDO Global, adds: “Since the launch of our strategic alliance with Microsoft, the benefits of our collaboration have been clear to both parties. I’m absolutely delighted that, in 2023, the strength of our Microsoft partnership has been recognised by BDO Digital receiving the 2023 Microsoft Security Partner of the Year Award.  Our strategic digital approach, combining our global digital and business capabilities, means we are in a unique position to deliver value to our clients and to each other.”

The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards recognise Microsoft partners that have developed and delivered outstanding Microsoft-based applications, services and devices during the past year.  Awards were classified in various categories, with honourees chosen from a set of more than 4,200 submitted nominations from more than 100 countries worldwide. BDO Digital was recognised for providing outstanding solutions and services in Security.

The Security Partner of the Year Award recognises a partner who is doing an exceptional job of providing clients with end-to-end security solutions (versus one-point solutions) based on Microsoft Security and Identity capabilities in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Azure Security.

“Congratulations to the winners and finalists of the 2023 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards!” said Nicole Dezen, Chief Partner Officer and Corporate Vice President of Global Partner Solutions at Microsoft.  “The innovative new solutions and services that positively impact customers and enable digital transformation from this year’s winners demonstrate the best of what’s possible with the Microsoft Cloud.”

The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards are announced annually prior to the company’s global partner conference, Microsoft Inspire, which will take place on July 18-19 this year. 

Additional details on the 2023 awards are available on the Microsoft Partner blog. The complete list of categories, winners and finalists can be found here.




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