Digital Workforce Services Oyj

Digital Workforce and ApolloIQ Unite to Transform Primary Care through Business Process Automation Collaboration


Press release 13 July, 2023

Digital Workforce and ApolloIQ Unite to Transform Primary Care through Business Process Automation Collaboratio

ApolloIQ, a UK-based Intelligent Automation specialist in Primary Care, and Digital Workforce, a global leader in Healthcare Business Process Automation, have come together to redefine work efficiency and patient outcomes in primary care in the UK.

In a transformative partnership in the healthcare sector, ApolloIQ and Digital Workforce have announced their collaboration. The collaboration promises to bring about a revolutionary change in primary care by harnessing the power of process automation to enhance work efficiency, reduce errors, and significantly improve patient experience and outcomes.

Digital Workforce provides services and a valued-based pay-per-use purchase model that reflects eight years of specialisation. The company started with the objective of closing the gap between resource and care demands in healthcare in Finland. It is one of the few in the world to have delivered process automation solutions to clinical healthcare processes requiring the highest data security and uptime running demands.

ApolloIQ has its foundations in Clinical Pharmacy in Primary Care and is pioneering work in Process Automation solutions to replace repetitive tasks, thereby improving efficiency and standardisation. There is significant potential for automation in primary care across patient registration, chronic disease care paths, QOF (Quality and Outcomes Framework) outcomes, cancer care, referrals, blood test filing, and document management.

“Partnering with Digital Workforce aligns with our mission to drive digital transformation in the Primary Care sector. Through this collaboration, we can harness the power of intelligent automation to drive operational excellence, reduce costs, and optimise resource allocation," said Vlad Repede and Razvan Valcu, Co-founders of ApolloIQ.

"Each country has a unique way of organising healthcare, and knowing the organisational structures, decision-makers, processes, underlying funding structures, etc., requires local expertise and experience. Collaborating with ApolloIQ reinforces our UK go-to-market strategy and mission to provide leading-edge BPA services in healthcare directly and through selected niche partners. We are enthusiastic about the potential of this partnership to improve work efficiency further and elevate patient care," said Juha Järvi, Global Head of Healthcare of Digital Workforce Services Plc.

Primary care services provide the first point of contact in the UK healthcare system, acting as the 'front door' of the NHS. These services include general practice, community pharmacy, dental, and optometry (eye health) services.

The synergy between ApolloIQ's specialised knowledge in primary care and Digital Workforce's service portfolio and vast experience in clinical business process automation forms the cornerstone of this collaboration. This collaboration is poised to offer unmatched process automation solutions to revolutionise primary care and overall patient care.

For further information, please contact:

Juha Järvi, Head of Healthcare Global of Digital Workforce Services Plc

About Digital Workforce Services Plc

Digital Workforce Services Plc is a leading business process automation services and technology solution provider globally. Digital Workforce Outsmart services and technology solution suites allow organisations to save costs, accelerate digitalisation, increase revenue, improve customer experience, and gain a competitive advantage. Globally, over 200 large customers use Digital Workforce’s services and technologies to transform their businesses with automation. Founded in 2015, Digital Workforce currently employs over 200 business automation specialists in the US, the UK, Ireland, Poland, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Digital Workforce is publicly listed in Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland.


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