Invitation to press conference on September 7th: Villa Gyllenberg to feature long-forgotten Finnish artist at autumn exhibition, 13.9.2023–14.1.2024

In September 2023, the first retrospective exhibition presenting the art of Werner von Hausen (1870–1951) will open at Villa Gyllenberg. Von Hausen’s art was last exhibited extensively in 1974, and many of the 80 works in the new exhibition are being exhibited publicly for the first time. The artist's antimodernist works, as well as his interest in spirituality and anthroposophy, have relegated him to the margins of art history. Werner von Hausen – A Forgotten Classic presents the artist’s life and the fascinating encounters that influenced his art, at the same time revealing his versatile and classically beautiful art.
Werner von Hausen: Terrace by a house in Capri, 1929, oil on canvas, glued on cardboard, 50 x 70 cm. Private Collection. Photo: Matias Uusikylä / Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation.
Werner von Hausen: Terrace by a house in Capri, 1929, oil on canvas, glued on cardboard, 50 x 70 cm. Private Collection. Photo: Matias Uusikylä / Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation.

The press conference will be held at Villa Gyllenberg on Thursday 7th September 2023 at 11am.
Registrations by e-mail to Siiri Oinonen, Head of Customer and Program Services:

Inspiration from travels and Antiquity / In search for eternal landscapes

The exhibition traces von Hausen's life and work in France, Egypt, Italy, the Netherlands and the Nordic countries. His impressive landscape paintings depict both the nature of the North and the bright colours and brilliant light of the Mediterranean. His interest in the Antiquity is manifested in paintings of ruins and works that reproduce ancient art. In his antimodern and classical art, von Hausen sought eternal truth.

A central theme of the new exhibition is the friendships and networks that von Hausen created with numerous Finnish and foreign artists, such as Émile Bernard, Ivan Aguéli and Bruno Aspelin, as well as the influence of his Norwegian-born wife.

“I became interested in Werner von Hausen years ago while reading Salme Sarajas-Korte's research on Finnish Symbolism. He was often mentioned as a member of artist circles, but there was almost no other information about him. I had the unique opportunity to visit his former home and studio in 2014. Inside the house, I found original furniture, numerous unknown works on the walls and boxes of archival material in the attic – a true art historian’s dream! I included Werner von Hausen in the exhibition projects I did in Gothenburg and Vaasa, and the works in the house were quickly documented by the Finnish National Gallery, but there were no resources for wider research. Only through this project and with the help of Sofia Simelius, Curator at Villa Gyllenberg, have I been able to read his letters written in Swedish and Norwegian, and the big picture of the artist’s life and career has been built piece by piece,” says Laura Gutman, who has curated the exhibition.

New research information and cultural deed

Gutman approached Villa Gyllenberg with her project proposal, and the exhibition project began in 2020. Since literature on von Hausen was scarce, conducting research was essential for the success of the exhibition. As part of the exhibition preparations, the Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation photographed and framed a considerable number of works. A richly illustrated magazine will be published in connection with the exhibition, through which the research information will remain accessible in the future.

“Werner von Hausen, like Signe and Ane Gyllenberg, was very interested in spirituality and anthroposophy. It is unclear whether the Gyllenbergs and the von Hausens knew each other, and his works are not included in our collection, but considering their shared outlook on life, it seems natural to highlight this artist at Villa Gyllenberg. We also consider exhibiting this forgotten artist’s works a cultural deed,” comments Lotta Nylund, Chief Curator at Villa Gyllenberg.

Artist colony and roots in Kauniainen

Werner von Hausen built one of the first villas in Kauniainen at the beginning of the 20th century and was also involved in the local artist and writer colony. The exhibition highlights the architecture and interior design of his villa and its studio. His paintings, many of which depict the artist’s family and living environment, exude a cosy serenity. In Kauniainen and its artist colony, the von Hausens found a sheltered nest after years spent abroad, to which the Norwegian name of their villa – Villa Reire (the nest) – aptly refers.

The versatile von Hausen also designed furniture and graphic art prints. In addition, he worked as an art teacher for many years in Kauniainen and at the Finnish Society of Crafts and Design. The exhibition also features works by von Hausen’s friends and artists who influenced him.

The exhibition is curated by French art historian Laura Gutman, specialist in artist colonies and networks. A richly illustrated magazine authored by Gutman will be published in connection with the exhibition.

Laura Gutman’s research and the exhibition project have been supported by Svenska kulturfonden, Faro-säätiö and the City of Kauniainen. 

Contact and interviews

Lotta Nylund, Chief Curator at Villa Gyllenberg,, +358 40 576 1753

Laura Gutman, Exhibition Curator,

Opening hours, admission, and groups

Opening hours: Wed, Sat, Sun 12–17
Admission: 12/10 € (0 € for under 18s and with Museum Card)
Group bookings:


Kuusisaarenpolku 11, 00340 Helsinki




Werner von Hausen: Terrace by a house in Capri, 1929, oil on canvas, glued on cardboard, 50 x 70 cm. Private Collection. Photo: Matias Uusikylä / Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation.
Werner von Hausen: Terrace by a house in Capri, 1929, oil on canvas, glued on cardboard, 50 x 70 cm. Private Collection. Photo: Matias Uusikylä / Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation.
Werner von Hausen: Courtyard, 1929, watercolour on paper, 48 x 35,7 cm. Turku Art Museum. Photo: Vesa Aaltonen.
Werner von Hausen: Courtyard, 1929, watercolour on paper, 48 x 35,7 cm. Turku Art Museum. Photo: Vesa Aaltonen.
Werner von Hausen: Still-life with flowers and fruit, 1949, oil on canvas, 45 x 49 cm. Private Collection. Photo: Vesa Aaltonen.
Werner von Hausen: Still-life with flowers and fruit, 1949, oil on canvas, 45 x 49 cm. Private Collection. Photo: Vesa Aaltonen.
Werner von Hausen: Street of Tombs in Pompeii, 1902, oil on canvas, 110,5 x 93 cm. Finnish National Gallery / Ateneum Art Museum. Photo: Kirsi Halkola / Finnish National Gallery.
Werner von Hausen: Street of Tombs in Pompeii, 1902, oil on canvas, 110,5 x 93 cm. Finnish National Gallery / Ateneum Art Museum. Photo: Kirsi Halkola / Finnish National Gallery.
Werner von Hausen: Manor house interior II (Mukkula), 1922, oil on canvas, 62, 5 x 53,5 cm. Lahti Museum of Visual Arts Malva. Photo: Karoliina Redsven / Malva.
Werner von Hausen: Manor house interior II (Mukkula), 1922, oil on canvas, 62, 5 x 53,5 cm. Lahti Museum of Visual Arts Malva. Photo: Karoliina Redsven / Malva.


About Villa Gyllenberg

Villa Gyllenberg
Villa Gyllenberg
Kuusisaarenpolku 11
00340 Helsinki

Villa Gyllenberg on Signe ja Ane Gyllenbergin säätiön ylläpitämä koti- ja taidemuseo Helsingin Kuusisaaressa. Museo on auki ke, la, su klo 12-17 sekä tilauksesta ryhmille.

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