Baltic Sea Science Congress in Helsinki is advancing the goals of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science
During this week 250 international scientists, from 12 countries, will unveil the results of their latest research during the Baltic Sea Science Congress taking place in Helsinki, on the northern coastline of the Gulf of Finland. The message of the Congress supports the goal of the UN Decade of Ocean Science: we need innovative scientific ideas for the sustainable use of marine resources.

Baltic Sea Science Congress 2023 Press Release
The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) and the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)
Baltic Sea coastal dwellers have certainly noticed the deterioration of the state of the sea. There is an increasing awareness and concern about the health of the oceans and seas all over the world. Humans are inextricably linked to the sea and its ecosystem services.
”The main issue facing Baltic Sea ecosystems is eutrophication, and advancing climate change intensifies its negative impacts. Issues, such as the increasing amount of plastic in the sea cause risk to sea life and human health“, Kai Myrberg, leading scientist at the Finnish Environment Institute and Congress organizing Committee Chair points out.
The vision of The UN's Decade of the Ocean ‘The science we need for the ocean we want’ sends a message that science provides the keys for improving the health of the seas and the sustainable use of its resources.
“The congress offers an opportunity for interdisciplinary cooperation between scientists. Besides science we also need the contributions of other stakeholders”, Myrberg continues.
Congress scientific discussions include, such as, how machine learning and AI can support the planning of offshore wind farms. Improving the accuracy of forecasting the changing marine conditions, is important for several sectors. And, how the Baltic Sea would look, if no cooperative measures had been taken to decrease the pollution load on the sea?
In addition, UN Decade of Ocean Science’s objective is to inform the public about how oceans influence us and how we influence the ocean. Linked to the congress the event entitled, ‘Let’s shower the citizens with the Baltic Sea knowledge’ (in Finnish) is programmed to reach a wider audience.
The Baltic Sea Science Congress takes place every second year in one of the Baltic Sea states. The current congress being the 14th in order.

Jari HaapalaResearch ProfessorThe Finnish Meteorological Institute
Scientific program
Kai MyrbergLeading ResearcherThe Finnish Environment Institute
Scientific program
Eija RantajärviCoordinatorThe Finnish Environment Institute
Meeting arrangements
It is time to move beyond solving environmental problems one by one, to systemic sustainability transformations. The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) contributes to building a sustainable society through research, information and services. The Finnish Environment Institute is a research institute with 700 experts and researchers located in Helsinki, Oulu, Jyväskylä and Joensuu.
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