The user regulations of the Helmet self-service libraries will be updated on 1.11.2023 - Registration will be required to use self-service libraries in the future
The user regulations of the self-service libraries in Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen and Vantaa will be renewed. From 1.11.2023, only registered users will be able to use the self-service libraries in the Helmet area. Registration can be done in advance from 1.9.2023 at any Helmet Library.
Self-service libraries are libraries that can be used outside normal opening hours. The library is unstaffed during self-service hours. You can borrow and return items, use public computers, read magazines, work, and hold meetings. Self-service libraries have been operating in the Helmet area since 2016. There are currently six self-service libraries in Helsinki, eleven in Espoo, one in Kauniainen and four in Vantaa.
You can access the self-service library with your Helmet library card and PIN code. When the user regulations are renewed on 1.11.2023, you will also need to register to access the self-service library. You can register in advance at any Helmet Library during customer service hours from 1.9.2023. By registering, the user agrees to the user regulations by signing the registration form.
There is no age limit for using the self-service library. Children under the age of 15 may use the self-service library independently with the permission of a parent or guardian. Children under 15 may also use the self-service library accompanied by an adult without registering. A child's independent use of a self-service library may also be permitted with prior consent.
Registered users can use any of the self-service libraries in the Helmet area.
The reform aims to increase convenience and security
Each of the four cities in the Helmet region has different user regulations for the self-service libraries, which will now be harmonised. This will clarify the use of self-service libraries across municipal boundaries.
The reform aims to increase the comfort and safety of self-service libraries and to reduce disorder and inappropriate use of library facilities. The revised user regulations will also make it easier to deal with problematic situations. In the future, it is possible that self-service hours will be extended, and more Helmet libraries will be able to introduce self-service hours.
"We hope that with this reform, customers will be able to use the self-service library with confidence and use the library's services when it is most convenient for them," says Ritva Nyberg, Director of Library Services at Espoo City Library.
Ritva NybergDirector of Library ServicesEspoo City Library / Helmet Libraries
Tel:+358 40 636 9207ritva.nyberg@espoo.fiLiisa VänttinenCustomer Service ManagerEspoo City Library / Helmet Libraries
Tel:+358 40 636 8373liisa.vanttinen@espoo.fiImages
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