The finalists for the Cyber Security Nordic Competition have been selected
Four chosen finalists showcases innovative solutions and services in the cyber security sector. The companies are CyberCoach, D-Fence Oy’s Easy GDPR, Tosibox Platform and LAAVAT solution for IoT security. The final of the competition will be held in the form of a pitch contest at the Cyber Security Nordic event at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre on 7 November 2023. The winner will receive a 10 000 euro price donated by the Finnish Fair Foundation.
The Cyber Security Nordic competition is looking for innovative solution or service that has an impact on the development and growth of the sector in Finland and potential for international success.
The finalists are CyberCoach, D-Fence Oy, Tosibox and LAAVAT
CyberCoach is modernising the cyber sector by bringing modern, easy-to-use and cost-effective security training directly to the platforms used by employees, such as Slack or Teams. It coaches employees to act and think for themselves in different security situations and is available anonymously 24/7, with the aim of reducing the digital skills gap that is a major threat to the future of corporate security. CyberCoach security training is part of a corporate social responsibility programme and an opportunity to motivate employees to get involved in closing the digital security skills gap in society. The service has already achieved impact and growth in international markets.
D-Fence Oy's Easy GDPR service enables companies to implement, manage and verify their data protection in a way that is easy and can be used as a competitive advantage. The service complies with EU legal obligations and interfaces with the ESG Responsibility Report of Suomen Asiakastieto*, where data protection implementation is one of the topics to be reported. The service enables companies to promote basic human rights, responsible data handling and trust. Easy GDPR is easy to use and does not require specific knowledge. Easy GDPR has already been chosen by more than 1000 companies of all sizes, who are increasingly using its features to support their business.
Tosibox offers businesses a secure, seamless, and simplified network connectivity solution, the Tosibox Platform. It enables businesses to easily connect users, applications, systems, and devices via trusted and secure networks. The use of industry-leading standards-based encryption and authentication ensures that data cannot be compromised and can only be accessed by authorised users and systems. The solution has already proven to strengthen the competitiveness and profitability of businesses in Finland, and reference customer ARE, for example, has expanded its service business using Tosibox. TOSIBOX® Plug & Go™ technology was the world's first patented, scalable remote access solution developed in Finland that is also extremely easy to use.
LAAVAT specialises in helping manufacturers of machine control components to build equipment in compliance with cybersecurity standards such as IEC62443. The solution helps equipment manufacturers protect their devices and data from unauthorised access, manipulation and control using an approach based on mainstream security technologies. The LAAVAT solution for IoT security includes services to implement security features in devices. It also provides a platform to manage operations such as digital signing, encryption, and device provisioning during the manufacturing process.
A price of 10 000 euros for the winner of the pitching competition
The finalists will present their product or service in a pitch competition on the main stage of Cyber Security Nordic on 7 November 2023, after which a professional jury will select the winner. The winner will receive a 10,000 euro price donated by the Finnish Fair Foundation. The winnings can also be shared between two participants, if the jury so decides. The jury that will select the winner of the competition will include:
Kirsi Kokko, Business Finland
Ulla Heinonen, Confederation of Finnish Industries
Juhapekka Ristola, Sitra
Peter Sund, FISC
The competition was open to registered cybersecurity companies, teams or organisations operating in Finland whose product or service met one or more of the competition criteria.
A service or solution that meets the criteria supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, promotes responsible digitalisation, data processing and trust, has the potential to create international, European, or global impact or strengthen the competitiveness and profitability of Finnish companies and Finland's attractiveness as a business environment. The products and services participating in the competition must also be on the market and available for sale in 2023.
* Suomen Asiakastieto is one of Finland’s leading providers of digital business and consumer information services.
Cyber Security Nordic is organised by Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre in cooperation with the Finnish cyber security industry association, Finnish Information Security Cluster (FISC). Strategic partners of the event are Accenture, HP, HSLSoftware, Huawei, Microsoft, Net Nordic, Nixu and Trend Micro.
For more information:
Communications, Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, Anu-Eveliina Mattila, Tel: +358 50 555 6183, #cybersecuritynordic2023
Pictures from the last event
Anu-Eveliina Mattila
Tel:+358 50 5556183anu-eveliina.mattila@messukeskus.comImages
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