DNA is replacing the services of the old copper-based landline network in Northern Finland with modern solutions during summer and autumn 2024
Copper-based network technology has served telecommunications for over 160 years, but today, its utilisation rate and significance are very limited. DNA first announced that it would be replacing its copper-based networks with more modern cable, fibre optics and mobile solutions in 2021, and work to decommission the old network began the following year. The termination of the copper-based services in Northern Finland will take place in June and October 2024.

In recent years, the copper-based network has primarily been used for landlines and old xDSL broadband connections with maximum speeds of a few dozen megabits per second. Copper-based networks should not be confused with modern cable and fibre optics networks that support connection speeds measured in gigabits per second and which DNA will continue to invest in. Together with mobile solutions, these are the modern technologies replacing the copper-based network. For example, DNA’s 5G network already covers more than 93% of the Finnish population.
The decommissioning of DNA’s copper-based network in Southwest Finland and Satakunta began in 2022, and work has continued in 2023. In Eastern Finland, network decommissioning has been carried out this autumn. At the beginning of 2024, DNA will have just over a thousand consumer customers in the whole country who still use copper-based broadband, and the last of these services will be terminated at the end of March 2024. After that, the only ones to remain will be some business broadband and landline customers. These also make up the small customer base of copper-based networks that still persists in Northern Finland.
“The decommissioning of the old copper-based network has proceeded according to plan, and I’m happy to say that our customers have been very understanding. The copper-based networks in Northern Finland are next in line during summer and autumn 2024, with alternative solutions in the form of cable, fibre and mobile to be offered in place of the services being terminated. These modern solutions are faster, cheaper and more reliable than old copper connections”, explains DNA’s VP of Access Networks and Equipment Facilities Mikko Kannisto.
All copper-based network customers will be contacted – see the schedule for Northern Finland
During the transition, DNA will be notifying all remaining copper-based network customers by mail or telephone several months before any services are terminated. Affected customers will be offered modern replacement services in place of those terminated. Old equipment and facilities in affected areas will be decommissioned once all customers have been moved to replacement services. Equipment will be recycled as electronic waste and reused.
“The copper-based network is an important part of Finland’s telecommunications history, but now it’s time to say goodbye and move on to a new era. We want to offer our customers the best service and connection speeds possible, which is why we are focusing on modern network solutions that are capable of meeting our present and future needs”, Kannisto concludes.
Copper-based services to be terminated no earlier than 30 June 2024:
- Kempele
- Kemi
- Kuusamo
- Lumijoki
- Muhos
- Oulu (Kiviniemi, Oulunsalo and Haukipudas only)
- Raahe
- Rovaniemi
- Tyrnävä
- Utajärvi
- Vaala
Copper-based services to be terminated no earlier than 31 October 2024:
- Oulu (other than Kiviniemi, Oulunsalo and Haukipudas)
Further information for the media:
Mikko Kannisto, VP, Access Networks and Equipment Facilities, DNA Plc, tel. +358 (0)44 590 2527, mikko.kannisto@dna.fi
DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 (0)44 044 8000, communications@dna.fi
More on the decommissioning of the copper-based network (in Finnish): www.dna.fi/tuki/kuuluvuus-ja-verkot/kupariverkko

DNA is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Finland. Our purpose is to connect you to what matters most. We offer connections, services and devices for homes and workplaces, contributing to the digitalisation of society. Already for years, DNA customers have been among the world leaders in mobile data usage. DNA has about 3.6 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The company has been awarded numerous times as an excellent employer and family-friendly workplace. In 2022, our total revenue was EUR 997 million and we employ about 1,700 people around Finland. DNA is a part of Telenor Group, a leading telecommunications company across the Nordics. More information: www.dna.fi, X @DNA_fi, Facebook @DNA.fi and LinkedIn @DNA-Oyj.
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