Helsingin kaupunki, kaupunkiympäristön toimiala

During public celebrations, Havis Amanda will be protected by a cover made of strong board


The cover is to be used only for short periods when necessary, no more than a few days per year. It is not planned to be used for May Day celebrations.

The cover for Havis Amanda is to be used only on select occasions, perhaps on a few days per year.
The cover for Havis Amanda is to be used only on select occasions, perhaps on a few days per year. Illustration: WSP.

The cover is quick to set up

The cover consists of strong, weather-proof board and a steel frame, and it can be delivered in parts and compiled quickly, even during one work shift if neeessary.

The heptangular cover will be printed with a photo of the sculpture. The temporary cover will protect the fragile bronze sculpture during the most boisterous public celebrations.

‘The cover is intended to be used when Finland plays in the ice hockey world championship finals, for example. Maybe one or two days a year, perhaps not even that on some years. Of course, this is not to say that we don’t wish the most success possible for Finland in both sports and culture,’ notes City of Helsinki Head of Urban Space and Landscape Planning Jussi Luomanen.

Havis Amanda has been through a lot

Completed in 1908, the fountain and its bronze sculptures form a work of art designed by artist Ville Vallgren. In addition to its artistic value, the work holds special significance in terms of cultural history and the cityscape alike.

The bronze piece has been put through a lot over the years, e.g. during various public celebrations that have prompted people to climb onto it. The salty and windy marine climate has also worn the surface of the sculpture.

Several alternatives were considered

The Havis Amanda repair planning team considered several alternatives for the temporary protection, including the steel fence reported in the news and various versions of a bell-shaped cover. When weighing the alternatives, the costs, temporary nature, ease of transportation, and possibility for quick set-up were considered important.

The temporary cover will not be stored on the square, so it must be easy and quick to transport. The height of the transportation is limited by the overhead cables of the trams around the Market Square, which excluded the bell-shaped structure.

Renovations on the Havis Amanda square to be completed in August

The renovations of the square and the sculpture are planned to be completed in August 2024. This means that the coming May Day will not see the traditional capping of the statue, and the day must be celebrated otherwise.

The capping event will be celebrated on Kansalaistori Square next spring. The responsibility for the capping of Havis Amanda has rotated annually between student unions. The University of the Arts Helsinki’s student union is planning the event for spring 2024.



Temporary cover:
Jussi Luomanen
Urban Environment Division
tel. +358 (0)9 3103 8626

Conservation of the sculpture:
Head of Public Art
Taru Tappola
HAM Helsinki Art Museum
tel. +358 (0)9 3108 7077

Renovations on the Havis Amanda square:
Project Director Heikki Kosonen
Urban Environment Division, Project Construction
tel. +358 (0)9 3104 2158


City of Helsinki, Urban Environment Division
P.O. Box 58200, 00099 City of Helsinki
+358 9 310 2611

About the Urban Environment Division

The City of Helsinki Urban Environment Division is responsible for planning, construction and maintenance as well as building control and environmental services related to the Helsinki urban environment.

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