Trade Union JHL will extend its strikes, train traffic will cease on 14 December for one day
As a result of JHL’s industrial action, Finland’s train traffic will cease almost entirely for one day, because the JHL members working within rail traffic will also be striking.
After a thorough consideration, the decision was made to go through with the heavy strike action. JHL is forced to take action because the Government is still pushing for drastic weakenings to the status of employees and to social security, JHL’s Interim President Håkan Ekström emphasises.
– The Government hasn’t come up with any proposal that would eliminate our concern about the future of the terms and conditions of employment in Finland. We must also in the future be able to seek fair terms and conditions of employment for our members with the help of negotiations, Ekström says.
During the autumn and early winter, Trade Union JHL has organised several political strikes that oppose the Government’s unfair policy. The Government of Finland is planning to weaken social security and basic employee rights dramatically. JHL’s strikes are a part of central organisation SAK’s Serious Grounds campaign.
More information:
JHL’s Interim President Håkan Ekström
040 828 2865
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