New report shows how technology will advance in 2024 and what will need attention
DNA has today published its annual review of technology trends for the coming year. The main findings of the fresh report relate to the increasingly strong significance of technology, responsible choices, and data security.
DNA’s Technology Trends report annually highlights topical themes in the field of technology. This year, the report particularly highlights energy efficiency and data security.
In the future digital world, data security and taking into account the environmental perspective are central. Technological development enables increasingly advanced cyber attacks. Considering the environment means increasing knowledge about the climate impacts of internet use, adopting greener technologies, and adopting more sustainable practices.
Operators are partly facing a new challenge: how to respond to the growing need for data and still work to mitigate climate change. At the same time, digital development plays a key role in providing the connections through which climate challenges can be addressed. DNA has responded to the challenge with investments and energy-efficient technology. All the energy DNA itself buys is renewable, and the technologies used by DNA enable better energy efficiency.
”At DNA, we want to transfer data as energy-efficiently as possible. For example, we have been able to reduce the energy consumption of our network, even though the amount of data used in our network continues to grow strongly. We have taken many important steps towards the zero-emission target, such as a 56 percent reduction in our electricity emissions since 2019. We are committed to the Science Based Targets initiative and it is important for us to get our partners involved in this work as well, as every actor is an important part of the value chain, says DNA’s SVP, Corporate Business, Anna-Mari Ylihurula.
Press the button for a 15 times smaller carbon footprint
The carbon footprint of the internet is an important topic when talking about sustainable digitalization. For example, the design and optimization of websites have a big impact when talking about the energy consumption of the internet. To illustrate this, DNA’s Technology Trends 2024 report this year includes the option to choose between two versions, the full version and the carbon footprint lightened version.
The reader can choose to read either the full version or a version that is less burdensome on the environment. The choice is made from a button at the bottom of the page. In the light version, the data transferred was reduced by removing animations, videos, audio content, and interactive surveys from the page. In addition, full-quality jpg images were replaced with small compressed png images, and fonts with the browser’s default fonts.
The full version of the Technology Trends 2024 report produces 4.46 grams of carbon dioxide emissions per download. The lightened version produces only 0.29 grams of emissions, which in practice means a 15-fold smaller environmental load.
DNA’s Technology Trends for 2024:
Media Inquiries:
Media representatives can receive a more extensive report upon request. The report can be requested from DNA corporate communications.
Senior Vice President, Corporate Business Anna-Mari Ylihurula, DNA Plc. tel. +358 (0)44 044 7755,
DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 44 044 8000,
DNA is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Finland. Our purpose is to connect you to what matters most. We offer connections, services and devices for homes and workplaces, contributing to the digitalisation of society. Already for years, DNA customers have been among the world leaders in mobile data usage. DNA has about 3.6 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The company has been awarded numerous times as an excellent employer and family-friendly workplace. In 2022, our total revenue was EUR 997 million and we employ about 1,700 people around Finland. DNA is a part of Telenor Group, a leading telecommunications company across the Nordics. More information:, X @DNA_fi, Facebook and LinkedIn @DNA-Oyj.
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