1KOMMA5° Suomi

1KOMMA5° with up to 100 million Euros in financing from BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank and LBBW

  • 1KOMMA5° secures debt capital from banks for further growth and acquisitions.

  • BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank and LBBW are providing a total of 52.5 million Euros as a first step. 1KOMMA5° plans to expand this financing line to over 100 million Euros as part of a syndicated financing arrangement. 

  • In addition, further equity will be invested in the technology division with the further development and expansion of the 1KOMMA5° software platform "Heartbeat".

  • Micha Grüber, co-founder and CFO: "This financing is an important building block on the way to the capital market and it is a success to have become bankable only 2.5 years after foundation, based on a highly profitable business."

Brave Teddy

HAMBURG, Germany 13 December 2023 1KOMMA5°, the operator of the leading software platform for solar systems, heat pumps and wallboxes, secures financing from BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank and LBBW, demonstrating its ability to raise capital from banks just 2.5 years after it was founded. The three banks are providing a total of 52.5 million Euros debt capital as a first step. 1KOMMA5° plans to expand this financing line to over 100 million euros as part of a syndicated loan agreement. The Hamburg-based CleanTech unicorn will use the funds for further growth and acquisitions, while also investing additional equity in the technology division with the further development and expansion of the "Heartbeat" software platform.

Philipp Schröder, co-founder and CEO of 1KOMMA5°: "We will use this financing for further growth and acquisitions to get closer to our goal of being able to live on wind and sunlight forever for free. At the same time, we are consistently investing in technology development and our Heartbeat software platform."

Micha Grüber, co-founder and CFO of 1KOMMA5°: "This financing is an important building block on the way to capital markets and it is a success to have become bankable only 2.5 years after foundation, based on a highly profitable business."

The deal follows the Series B financing of 215 million Euro in equity and a further EUR 215 million in form of re-participation options in June 2023 as well as the investment of a double-digit million Euro amount in the fall of this year from VC "2150".




About 1KOMMA5° Suomi

1KOMMA5 Suomi, formerly known as Solar Age Oy, is a leading Finnish solar energy provider with over 6 years of experience. With more than 5,000 installed solar energy systems, representing over 60,000 solar panels in Varsinais-Suomi, Uusimaa, and Pirkanmaa regions, 1KOMMA5 Suomi has established itself as a trusted name in the Finnish market. 1KOMMA5° is a cleantech start-up founded in 2021, offering installation of solar panels, batteries, heat pumps, and charging as a one-stop-shop to private homeowners and owners of commercial buildings in Germany, Scandinavia, Spain, Italy, and Australia. For more detailed information about our operations,For more information, please visit www.1komma5.fi.

About 1KOMMA5°

1KOMMA5° is the provider of the "Heartbeat" energy software platform and creates a virtual power plant that pools and networks customers' photovoltaics, electricity storage, heat pumps and charging columns, thus greatly increasing the profitability of networked customer systems. The company also offers customers a one-stop-shop for the purchase and installation of individual and intelligent energy system solutions. On top the cleantech startup acquires leading companies in the electrical sector with a particular focus on photovoltaic systems, charging infrastructure and heat pumps, and in return offers the entrepreneurs the use of its own software solutions, centralized services, bundled purchasing, growth capital and a reverse shareholding in 1KOMMA5° Holding. The aim is to develop a Europe-wide, market-leading hard- and software platform, that is capable of converting 500,000 buildings per year to climate-neutral power generation, heat and mobility. Currently, 1KOMMA5° operates more than 72 sites with around 1,900 employees in Germany, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Denmark, Spain, and Australia. 

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