Jani Mäntylä appointed as Director of Proventia Test Solutions, Harri Kervinen as Sales Director
Jani Mäntylä (engineer) has been appointed Director of Proventia Group Corporation’s Test Solutions business area as of 2 January 2024. Harri Kervinen will continue as Sales Director of Proventia Test Solutions. Kervinen will report to Director Jani Mäntylä, and Mäntylä will report to Proventia Group Corporation’s CEO Jari Lotvonen.
“We are investing in the development of the Test Solutions business area which makes it only natural to distribute responsibilities between several people. These appointments strengthen the independence of our Test Solutions business area and support the further development of operations. Jani is an excellent addition to the Test Solutions team and brings with him his extensive experience in the battery industry and testing. He also has broad competence in business management in international operating environments,” says Proventia Group’s CEO Jari Lotvonen.
“In the Test Solutions business area’s sales, we will focus on products for the research, development and testing of batteries in line with our strategy. Harri’s solid experience in international business, combined with his broad understanding of battery testing, is a significant asset on our path to strengthen our current partnerships and customer relationships as well as expand our market area geographically. I wish Jani and Harri all the best in their new positions and cannot wait to see how they can raise our Test Solutions business area to the next level,” Lotvonen says.
Jani Mäntylä has worked at JOT Automation in managerial sales and R&D positions for 12 years, most recently as the company’s CEO.
Jari LotvonenCEOProventia Group Oyj/ Proventia Oy
Tel:+358 400 68 4072jari.lotvonen@proventia.comImages
Proventia Group is an internationally operating Finnish technology company, which provides solutions and services in the engine, machine and vehicle industries to combat climate change and to solve the air pollution problem. Proventia develops and manufactures systems and components that reduce emissions and increase the energy efficiency of off-road machinery as well as modular test facilities for the product development of batteries and fuel cell systems. Proventia takes people, the environment and future generations into account in all of its operations, with zero emissions being the company's vision. The company employs approximately 200 industry professionals in Finland, the Czech Republic, and the UK. www.proventia.com
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Proventia Group Corporation: Business Review January-September 202419.11.2024 09:00:00 EET | Press release
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