Access to Meilahti Emergency Department is via the Bridge Hospital entrance (Paciuksenkatu 3) starting January 8, 2024
The access route for patients arriving independently to the Meilahti Emergency Department changes on January 8, 2024, at 7:15 am. Access to the emergency department is only via the Bridge Hospital entrance (Paciuksenkatu 3). It will no longer be possible to enter the emergency department via the Haartman Hospital entrance. This applies to all patients arriving independently with or without a doctor's referral.
Registration and assessment of treatment needs will take place in the emergency department's entrance lobby from where patients are directed to treatment.
The entrances for patients arriving by ambulance will not change.
The Meilahti Emergency Department treats primary healthcare and specialized healthcare patients.
For primary healthcare, the Meilahti Emergency Department mainly serves residents over the age of 16 from southern, central and western Helsinki who need urgent care when their local health center is closed. Service hours are 4:00–10:00 p.m. on weekdays, and 8:00a.m.–10:00p.m. on weekends and public holidays.
For specialized healthcare, the Meilahti Emergency Department serves the entire HUS region as the 24/7 emergency department for specialized healthcare where patients usually arrive by ambulance or doctor’s referral.
Before seeking medical attention at the emergency department
We recommend calling the Medical Helpline 116 117. The Medical Helpline will direct you to the correct place of care and give you care instructions as necessary. In an emergency, always call 112 directly.
Timo Suonsyrjä
Head Physician, Meilahti Emergency Department
050 427 0829
About HUS
HUS Helsinki University Hospital is the biggest provider of specialized healthcare in Finland. Our high expertise is internationally recognized and accredited. As a university hospital, we are on the cutting edge of developing and evaluating our treatment methods and activities.
HUS treats almost 700,000 patients every year. Our nearly 27,000 professionals work to provide the best possible care for our patients. We are responsible for organizing specialized health care in the Uusimaa region. The treatment of many rare and difficult diseases in Finland has been centralized to HUS as well.
HUS – Leading healthcare
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