
Record busy year for the Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service


Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service received over 3,900 calls and contact requests in 2023. This is an increase of 1,000 compared to 2022. The last time the service was this busy was back in 2020 when entrepreneurs were having difficulties due to the coronavirus restrictions. Last year, the number of bankruptcies was higher than it has been for the last 25 years, and this was reflected on the number of entrepreneurs who contacted the counselling service.

Credit: iStock/Olena Yakobchuk

Second busiest year in the history of the counselling service

“As the overall economic situation has become more difficult, customer demand has weakened, which is one of the greatest reasons for the financial difficulties of entrepreneurs. Also, the number of bankruptcies was higher last year than it has been for the last 25 years, and this was reflected on the number of entrepreneurs who contacted the Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service. Last year, we were contacted approximately 3,900 times. The last time our service was this busy was back in 2020 when entrepreneurs were having difficulties due to the coronavirus restrictions.  The economic outlook is still rather bleak, so we expect the demand for our service to remain high in 2024 as well. Customers have been very happy with the service they have received from the Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service: on a scale from 1 to 5, customers gave the service an average grade of 4.4 in 2023,” says Jari Leskinen, Development Manager of the TE Customer Service Centre responsible for the Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service.

Free and confidential advice from Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service

Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service offers guidance to entrepreneurs regarding financial issues and payment difficulties. The counselling service can also give advice on how to improve the profitability of a business, for example. The goal is to ensure that entrepreneurs become aware of the financial difficulties of their business in time and make use of the services intended for them. The Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service provides entrepreneurs with free and confidential advice over the telephone. The service is provided by professionals with particular expertise on the financial matters of SMEs and the reorganisation of businesses. In addition to the national counselling service, entrepreneurs also have access to regional networks of professionals in various locations around Finland if they need more support.

Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service

The Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service is coordinated by the TE Customer Service Centre under the direction of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland. The service is being developed as part of the EU-wide Early Warning scheme.



Jari Leskinen

Development Manager
TE Customer Service Centre
02950 24468

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