Holiday Inn Helsinki - Expo awarded Nordic Swan Ecolabel
Holiday Inn Helsinki - Expo in connection with Messukeskus - Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre was granted the prestigious Nordic Swan Ecolabel in late December 2023. Now all five Holiday Inn hotels in Finland have reached these strict environment requirements.
In order to comply with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, the hotel must always favor eco-labelled products and services, keep energy and water consumption low and sort and reduce the amount of waste.
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel criteria for the hotel and accommodation sector were renewed last year. They are now even more stringent, and new requirements have been added. According to a recent consumer survey carried out for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, a whopping 94 per cent of consumers in Finland recognize the Nordic Swan brand.
"Holiday Inn Helsinki - Expo's Swan Label for hotel operations was achieved through the hotel's concrete responsibility actions, as reducing energy and water consumptions, sorting waste and reducing the amount of waste and by switching from small disposable bathroom products to refillable dispensers”, says General Manager Hanna Niitynperä. "Our team members both at the reception and in housekeeping are conscious and committed to acting in accordance with responsible practices, which can be seen in our practical everyday life, where even small actions make a difference."
The IHG's Green Stay program gives the hotel guest an opportunity to participate and make an impact by choosing whether to have cleaning during their stay at the hotel. If the hotel guest does not choose an intermediate cleaning service, in which case, for example, towels are not changed and washed, the customer is rewarded with extra points from the IHG One Rewards loyalty program.
"For us, responsibility is actions. Thank you to our own Holiday Inn Helsinki - Expo hotel and IHG for the great sustainability work! The Nordic Swan sign is a significant step towards a carbon-neutral Messukeskus and helps also our hotel guests to responsible actions", says Managing Director Anni Vepsäläinen, Messukeskus Events & Congresses.
The Nordic Swan supports IGH Journey to tomorrow
In Finland, the Holiday Inn, Hotel Indigo and Crowne Plaza hotels of the InterContinental Hotels Group hotel family are operated by Scandic Hotels Oy. Scandic has chosen the Nordic Swan Ecolabel because its strict criteria challenge the company to take a holistic approach to caring for nature. IHG's Journey to Tomorrow program and systems – such as Green Engage and Green Stay – support well the goals of our hotels, IHG and Scandic.
Contact persons:
Hanna Niitynperä, General Manager, Holiday Inn Helsinki - Expo,
Johanna Uimonen, Communications Manager, Scandic Hotels Oy,
Tarja Gordienko
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