Gofore moves into Antilooppi’s Siltasaari 10 property in Helsinki


Gofore Plc chose Siltasaari 10 as its new Helsinki metropolitan area office, motivated by quality, adaptable premises that support its employees’ well-being. The state-of-the-art facilities and services and the completely refurbished building also influenced Gofore’s choice.

Historical Siltasaari 10 is one of the most sought-after office locations in Helsinki. Photo: Martin Sommerschield / Kuvio.
Historical Siltasaari 10 is one of the most sought-after office locations in Helsinki. Photo: Martin Sommerschield / Kuvio.

Antilooppi’s Siltasaari 10 property in Hakaniemi, Helsinki, has received a significant new tenant: international digital transformation consultancy Gofore is gradually moving into the building by the start of 2025. The company had sought flexible, accessible offices for its employees in the Helsinki metropolitan area which would bring people together and enable smooth hybrid working. Employee well-being and community spirit were important criteria. Tanja Fjäder, Associate Director of Strategic Customer Solutions at Antilooppi, says that the excellent services at Siltasaari 10 piqued Gofore’s interest.

“We always want to offer our clients the best spatial solutions to suit their needs. It’s great that we can provide Gofore with the kinds of premises they seek, ones that support their staff’s holistic well-being and, consequently, success,” Fjäder says.

“The completely refurbished Antilooppi property Siltasaari 10 is one of Helsinki’s most sought-after office properties. We’re delighted to welcome Gofore to Siltasaari 10. Companies are currently very interested in Hakaniemi, and getting Gofore, a significant player in its industry, on board is a good demonstration of that,” Antilooppi CEO Tuomas Sahi says.

Gofore’s new premises, extending to around 3,000 m², offer a wide range of workspaces and zones to support employees’ various needs. In addition to workstations, the adaptable premises include generous areas for teamwork, dedicated quiet working areas, and a range of meeting rooms and phone booths. 

“We want to pay particular attention to good transport links, accessibility, and the offices’ support for our employees’ well-being. We invest in brain-friendly solutions, such as spaces to support focus and relaxation, lighting and acoustics. Our offices also consider people’s neurodiversity, an issue we’re committed to understand and promote in the work life as a company. We want to offer personalised support to our employees in many ways,” Sanna Hildén, Director of People Operations at Gofore, says. 

The Gofore premises feature a large, pleasant co-working café and kitchen, which brings employees together for lunches and events. The top floor will be equipped with a rooftop terrace and function room for client and other events. The employees can also use the premises in their free time.

Siltasaari 10 offers Gofore sustainable, accessible premises to support well-being. The building’s Platinum LEED v4 environmental certificate, with the highest points in Finland, also weighed in the balance. In 2023, the property earned a WELL Gold certificate, which is rare in Finland, as testimony to the positive impacts of the building on its users’ wellness. Gofore values the services on offer at Siltasaari 10 which boost well-being and everyday convenience, such as the 400-space bike park and showers.




Antilooppi on suomalainen toimistokiinteistöihin keskittynyt vastuullinen kiinteistönomistaja. Kehitämme omistamiamme kohteita vastuullisesti ja pitkäjänteisesti yhdessä asiakkaiden kanssa. Kiinteistö on aina tiiviissä vuorovaikutuksessa lähiympäristönsä kanssa – meille on erityisen tärkeää kehittää paitsi kiinteistöä myös sen palveluja ja lähialueita entistä toimivammaksi. Tunnetuimpia Antiloopin kiinteistöistä ovat Ympyrätalo ja historiallinen entinen HOK Elannon kiinteistö Siltasaari 10 ja muut Hakaniemen ja Hämeentien maamerkkirakennukset, Merikortteli Punavuoressa sekä Kiilakortteli Ruoholahdessa. Kaikkiaan meillä on vuokrattavaa tilaa noin 400 000 m2, arvoltaan 1,4 mrd. euroa. Antiloopin omistavat suomalainen eläkevakuutusyhtiö Ilmarinen ja ruotsalainen eläkevakuutusyhtiö AMF Tjänstepension AB.

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