Espoon kaupunki - Esbo stad

New game hub in Espoo reinforces Finland’s position at the forefront of the game industry


A game hub is being set up in Espoo to bring together starting-out game development companies and other actors in the creative sector. By investing in the creation and growth of new companies, the aim is to strengthen Finland’s position as a world-class centre of expertise in the game industry, attracting investments by Finnish and foreign actors alike.

Aiming for a sustainable framework for new game industry business 

Although universities and higher education institutions in the Espoo region offer high-quality education on game development and other creative fields, only few growth-oriented gaming companies have been established so far. This has been a constant challenge for a long while now. With the game hub, the City of Espoo hopes to increase the number, quality, cooperation and employment readiness of small and medium-sized Finnish gaming companies. 

“Espoo can remain at the forefront by investing in expertise, international attractiveness and the green transition. We are taking a bold step towards strengthening innovation and cooperation in the game industry as part of the Game hub for SMEs in the Capital Region project. We want to introduce public services, like the business services offered by the Business Espoo network, in the business-oriented development of digital creative industries”, comments Marika Lostedt, Head of Business Development Services of the City of Espoo. 

The hub will be set up in cooperation with the game industry, students, entrepreneurs, educational institutions, city organisations and community actors. The City of Espoo aims to facilitate, enable and create the best possible conditions for cooperation. 

Espoo Game LAB offers facilities for cooperation   

The heart of the hub is the Espoo Game LAB game development programme, where participants will have the opportunity to develop games and themselves in a professional environment. The objective of the programme is simple: to equip the participants with essential skills to either set up their own gaming company or to find employment in the game industry. The programme covers key areas such as game design, programming, content production, game production and business.  

The Espoo Game LAB programme is intended for students in the game industry, career changers and other creatives who want to be part of an inspiring games community. The programme also offers an opportunity for gaming companies and operators who want to be involved in establishing new top-level teams in the industry and to support potential new companies on their path to sustainable growth. With Espoo Game LAB, the aim is to retain game industry experts in Finland by bringing together jobseekers, trainees and employers. In addition, participants receive guidance and support for starting their own business.  

Espoo Game LAB is located on the Aalto University campus at A Grid, Otaniemi. The services of the entire Business Espoo network are available there under one roof.




A networked Espoo comprising five city centres will be a pioneering responsible and humane city that is a good place to live, learn, work and do business in and where residents can have their say in matters.



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