Apetit Oyj

Apetit’s score improved in CDP Climate Change evaluation


Apetit Group reached level B in in the evaluation of the global environmental organization CDP’s Climate Change program.

This score indicates of taking coordinated action on climate issues and considering the environmental effects of business and ensuring good environmental management. In 2022, Apetit reached level C.

“Sustainable food choices and concrete climate actions are at the core of Apetit’s climate work. To achieve Management-level in CDP’s evaluation is a great recognition of the climate work done by Apetit”, Apetit’s Communications and Sustainability Manager Miika Kemilä says.

CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for example for investors, companies and cities to manage their environmental impacts.


Apetit is a food industry company firmly rooted in Finnish primary production. Our operations are based on a unique and sustainable value chain: we create well-being with vegetables by offering tasty food solutions that make daily life easier and produce high-quality vegetable oils and rapeseed expellers for feeding stuff. Apetit Plc's shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.

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