Bambi Forever!


The exhibition presents for the first time Raimo and Maarit Huttunen’s art collection – assembled with passion and long-term vision – which they have donated to HAM Helsinki Art Museum. The works reflect on the complexities and contradictions of what it means to be human. The Huttunens ran Helsinki’s Bakeliittibambi Gallery from 1996 to 2007, showcasing a stable of promising young artists whose careers they followed over a period of many years. The exhibition is on view at HAM from 8 March 2024 to 19 January 2025.

Katja Tukiainen: Bambi Forever, 2005.
Katja Tukiainen: Bambi Forever, 2005. Anna Taival HAM Helsinki Art Museum

Bambi Forever! features Finnish painting, graphic art and photography spanning from the 1990s to the present. The artworks are painterly and expressive, conveying sadness and melancholy, but also hope and humour. Their recurring theme is the nuanced tapestry of human experience complete with all its intricacies.

“Private collectors have played an influential formative role in the genesis of nearly every museum collection in existence. The core of HAM consists of the donated Leonard and Katarina Bäcksbacka Collection, which has been rounded out over the decades with gifts from many other prominent collectors. Their generous donations form the beating heart of our art museum. The collection donated by Raimo and Maarit Huttunen marks a significant addition to the public collection that belongs to all Helsinkians,” says Arja Miller, Director of HAM. 

Raimo and Maarit Huttunen are passionate art patrons who have assembled their collection with long-term vision and a sensitive eye for fringe phenomena. From 1996 to 2007, the Huttunens ran the visionary Bakeliittibambi Gallery in Helsinki. They themselves acquired many works from their gallery, as did HAM. 

The entrustment of the Huttunen Collection to HAM marks the convergence of two paths – that of private and institutional art collecting. HAM received the first instalment of the donation in 2018. The collection is constantly expanding with new donations, currently comprising 307 works.

The exhibition presents 60 artworks from 36 artists. 

The featured artists are: Maija Albrecht, Bo Haglund, Hannaleena Heiska, Tiina Heiska, Outi Heiskanen, Kirsi Jokelainen, Johannes Kangas, Johanna Kiivaskoski, Mauri Kuitula, Katri Kuparinen, Jenni Lahtinen, Riikka Lenkkeri, Angelika Littwin-Pieper, Heikki Marila, Elina Merenmies, Rauha Mäkilä, Lotta Määttänen, Ulla Paakkunainen, Paavo Paunu, Tarmo Paunu, Marja Pirilä, Laura Pohjonen, Aurora Reinhard, Heidi Romo, Ray Rummukainen, Jaakko Rustanius, Janne Räisänen, Maiju Salmenkivi, Heimo Suntio, Hanna Tammi, Katja Tukiainen, Kirsti Tuokko, Anssi Törrönen, Arto Väisänen, Hannu Väisänen, and Riitta Åkerstedt.

The exhibition is accompanied by a book presenting the Raimo and Maarit Huttunen collection and an article by art critic Pessi Rautio. The book is available at HAM shop for €25.

Bambi Forever!
HAM Helsinki Art Museum




Katja Tukiainen: Bambi Forever, 2005.
Katja Tukiainen: Bambi Forever, 2005.


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