
Maija Soininen appointed to Tesi's Executive Team


In the fall of 2023, Maija Soininen, MSc,  was appointed as Tesi's Head of People and Culture, and has now been named to Tesi's Executive Team. She reports to CEO Pia Santavirta.

As the Head of People and Culture, Soininen is responsible for the comprehensive leadership, development, and implementation of Tesi's personnel strategy and processes
As the Head of People and Culture, Soininen is responsible for the comprehensive leadership, development, and implementation of Tesi's personnel strategy and processes

As the Head of People and Culture, Soininen is responsible for the comprehensive leadership, development, and implementation of Tesi's personnel strategy and processes. Additionally, she serves as a supervisor for Tesi's HR team.

Having previously held the position of HR Lead for the Finnish branch of the growth company Wolt, Soininen brings nearly two decades of experience in various human resources management roles to her role in the executive team.

"Private equity and venture capital is a 'people's business,' so it is only natural that a leader responsible for personnel and corporate culture is part of the executive team. Tesi is on the verge of its largest transformation in history due to the upcoming merger of state private equity and venture capital companies, and Maija's deep expertise in personnel management is particularly valuable in times of such significant change," commented Santavirta.

"It's exciting to be part of building the new Tesi together for everyone and actively involved in the merger through executive team collaboration. A skilled and committed personnel is crucial in constructing sustainable growth," stated Soininen.



As the Head of People and Culture, Soininen is responsible for the comprehensive leadership, development, and implementation of Tesi's personnel strategy and processes
As the Head of People and Culture, Soininen is responsible for the comprehensive leadership, development, and implementation of Tesi's personnel strategy and processes

Tesi (officially Finnish Industry Investment Ltd) is a state-owned, market-driven investment company that invests in venture capital and private equity funds and directly in Finnish startups and growth companies. 

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