Tree for every newborn in Espoo: The Evangelical Lutheran Parishes of Espoo plants trees in Tanzania
The Trees for Children project of The Evangelical Lutheran Parishes of Espoo will be launched on the International Day of Forests on 21 March. For each newborn in Espoo, they will plant a tree in Tanzania. Planting the trees and the environmental work to support this will be carried out together with the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission.
The Trees for Children project is part of the international responsibility of the Evangelical Lutheran Parishes of Espoo. The tree saplings are planted in the Morogoro area in Tanzania, where climate change has increased long dry periods and grown the risk of flooding and weakened food security. Deforestation further exacerbates the impacts of climate change.
The trees will provide a wide range of concrete protection for children and residents in the area. Carbon sequestration helps to mitigate climate change and locally prevent deforestation and improve microclimates, food security and access to firewood.
Symbolically, the saplings are planted for children in Espoo whose future is safeguarded by the fight against climate change and global cooperation. Planting saplings builds a good future for children in both areas from the perspective of sustainable development.
- More than 3,000 children are born in Espoo every year, about half of whom are born to members of our parishes. The future is shared by children, even though religions, worldviews and cultures are different. This is why we wanted to dedicate the trees to all children born in Espoo, says Matti Peiponen, Expert in International and Multicultural Work.
Trees and environmental work worth EUR 40,000 per year
In Tanzania, the Evangelical Lutheran Parishes of Espoo and the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission cooperate with the Diocese of Morogoro, with which the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission has worked for a long time.
The need for environmental work has emerged from the community itself. The trees planted in the project prevent erosion, shadow crops and fruit trees also supplement food security.
Anna-Kaisa Kähkölä from the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission says that trees from Espoo are grown in the Morogoro area in several different locations in cooperation with many local parties.
- The goal of the Diocese of Morogoro is to afforest at least two hectares of land annually. In addition to planting tree saplings, the project funds are used to distribute saplings to parishes as part of the Green April campaign and to support tree care and training related to planting,’ says Anna-Kaisa Kähkölä.
- Last year, we founded a forest in the area of the Ebenezer Secondary School owned by the diocese. We planted a total of 4,500 saplings, some of which were fruit trees, but others endangered local hardwood. The pupils supported the planted saplings through the first dry season. This year, we will be planting at a new site.
The Evangelical Lutheran Parishes of Espoo granted EUR 40,000 for the work carried out by the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Morogoro in 2023, and the planting also began last year. The corresponding amount will be included in this year's appropriations, which will be decided by the Joint Parish Council of Espoo on 20 March. The aim is to develop an effective long-term project that children born in Espoo can follow as they grow up.
Communicating about the project
The Evangelical Lutheran Parishes of Espoo want to share about the project especially to families with children. The members of the parish with a newborn from last year will be sent a card, while other families will be sought through media and advertising.
The project has its own website with basic information where the planting and growth of the trees will continue to be presented. Communication will take place in Finnish, Swedish and English.
Further information:
website in Finnish:
(website in English will be publishd on Monday 18th March)
Matti Peiponen, +358 50 381 7629
Expert in International and Multicultural Work, Espoo Parish Union
Anna-Kaisa Kähkölä, +358 44 2373 714
Regional Program Manager, Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission (in Tanzania)
Matti PeiponenEspoon seurakuntayhtymä
Tel:09 8050 2512Tel:050 381 7629matti.peiponen@evl.fiAlternative languages
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