Finland’s first carbon-neutral office network expands: Industrial chic and rugged POOL Verk opens in Kalasatama


The real-estate owner Antilooppi is again expanding its POOL flexispace network. It now offers the widest range of serviced spatial solutions of different sizes across the Helsinki region. The newest location, POOL Verk, was opened in February in the Kalasatama area of Helsinki. It is next to Teurastamo, a complex buzzing with culture, people, events and amenities.

Antilooppi wants to enable spatial solutions that serve working people. CEO Tuomas Sahi says the company’s operations are above all people-centric.

“All buildings are built for people. We sincerely believe that we can help and support companies and their employees, regardless of how they get the work done in those companies. The POOL spaces support a variety of ways of working and meeting others. Seeing other people face-to-face is now a significant component of work. People have shown they like spending time in the amenities at our locations after work, too. That’s valuable.”

All POOL locations have their distinct identities. POOL Verk draws on an industrial style that very much speaks the same language as the nearby Teurastamo complex. In addition to the POOL flexispaces, the location features a hotel-style reception, a hot-desk area, an event space, and a game area and renovated gym to support well-being. Every detail down to the fittings, lights, small objects and potted plants has been carefully considered.

“The era of sterile spaces is over. When you walk in the door here, you know what space and building you’re in. POOL spaces support a team spirit, the employee experience, and individuals’ practical needs. POOL also offers companies and their employees the flexibility and network they desire. Several of our clients use POOL spaces as a flexible add-on to their offices, allowing them to reduce overheads,” says Johanna Sarekoski, who is responsible for concepts at Antilooppi.

POOL is a pioneer in sustainability. “Sustainability plays a central role in Antilooppi’s strategy. This is also visible right across POOL, which is Finland’s first carbon-neutral office network. All the properties hold LEED or BREEAM environmental certification and consume carbon-neutral energy. The spaces are built to be as low emission as possible, with consideration for the circular economy. POOL Verk is a wonderfully tangible expression of our sustainability efforts, from material choices down to vintage furniture,” says Hannamari Koivula, Head of Sustainability and Property Management at Antilooppi.

Sörnäistenkatu 1, 00580 Helsinki

•    18 small offices of various sizes
•    5 conference rooms
•    8 hot desks
•    Lounges equipped with phone booths
•    Shared kitchen area
•    Gym
•    Free shared POOL bikes
•    BREEAM certification

POOL flexispace network

•    Largest flexispace concept in the Helsinki region, with 11 locations.
•    POOL has been designed for a flexible, healthy world of work in which companies and people flourish. Rent always includes basic services, such as wireless internet, cleaning and tea/coffee. In addition, all locations are specifically designed to consider sustainability, meaningful encounters and human well-being.
•    Spaces of various sizes and purposes, bookable by the hour or lettable long-term.
•    Finland’s first completely carbon-neutral office network. All locations use carbon-neutral electricity, heating and cooling. The electricity used in some locations is generated by our proprietary solar power plants.
•    All POOL network locations hold BREEAM or LEED environmental certification.



Johanna Sarekoski
Director, Customer Experience & Concept
Puh. +358 40 710 8671

Tuomas Sahi
Chief Executive Officer
Puh. +358 40 090 7877

Hannamari Koivula
Head of Sustainability and Property Management
puh. +358 40 581 9921



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Toimitiloilla ratkaiseva rooli henkilöstön yhteisöllisyyden tukemisessa – Siili viihtyy monipuolisessa Kiilassa28.5.2024 11:00:00 EEST | Tiedote

Tekoälyavusteisen ohjelmistokehityksen edelläkävijänä ja hybridityön uranuurtajana tunnettu Siili on allekirjoittanut vastikään uuden vuokrasopimuksen Antiloopin kanssa. Yhtiö jatkaa Ruoholahden ja Kampin risteyskohdassa sijaitsevassa Kiila-korttelissa, jossa sillä on käytössään kokonaisen oman kerroksen lisäksi POOL-joustotilat. Kiila kohteena saa henkilöstöltä jatkuvasti hyvää palautetta keskeisen sijainnin ja erityisesti tilojen monikäyttöisyyden takia. ”Tilojen tulee joustaa tapahtumatarkoituksiin, ja jopa sata henkilöä vetävä iso keittiöalueemme onkin toimitilojemme sydän. Töitä pystyy tekemään kotonakin, joten panostamme huomattavasti yhteisöllisyyteen ja siihen, että säilytämme yhteyden koko porukkaan, myös etätyötä tekeviin”, Siilin Office Manager Pia Alhonen kertoo. Keittiötila soveltuu niin rentoihin aamiaistilaisuuksiin kuin virallisempiin tiedotustilaisuuksiin. Tila houkuttelee viettämään aftereita ja juhlia, ja vuoden kohokohtia Siilillä ovatkin usein vappu- ja halloween-j

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