New Helmet web library for the libraries of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area
The new Helmet web library will soon be ready, and the service is already available to customers at From 8 April onwards, the web address will lead to the new web library.

The new web library is clearer and more visual than the previous version. The overhaul process focused particularly on the accessibility and mobile use of the web library.
Users of the web library can search for materials, make reservations and renew loans, pay library fees, ask for advice via a chat service and update their customer information. The service also has an electronic library card built in.
The Helmet web library is built on the Finna platform, which is the most commonly used online library solution in Finland. Administrated by the National Library of Finland, Finna is an excellent example of a user-friendly, cost-efficient and broadly used public digital service.
“Finna is a Finnish, safe online service used by the majority of public libraries in Finland. We are happy to have Helmet libraries now join in. The objective of the overhaul was to have even more user-friendly and accessible online services, and we believe that our cooperation with Finna will provide good conditions for developing the web library in the future as well,” rejoices Director Of Library Services Ritva Nyberg from Espoo City Library.
“Seeing the Helmet libraries adopt the Finna platform has been a joy. From the very beginning, the project has involved library customers and staff. At the same time, Finna as a platform has received valuable feedback. This has facilitated the development of new features, benefiting all Finna users across Finland,” emphasises Service Designer Serafia Kari from Finna.
The contents of the Helmet web library are compiled and maintained by library staff members. The web library provides the contact details and opening hours of Helmet libraries, information about the libraries’ events and services, and inspiring literature, music, movie and game tips for people of all ages.
In addition to recommendation lists, the web library features new item lists and highlights related to interesting websites. The lists are carousels, meaning that they can be swiped horizontally.
The new Helmet web library can be used in Finnish, Swedish and English. The ‘Multilingual services’ section provides information about the library in other languages as well.
In 2023, the Helmet network recorded 6.8 million online library visits. The Helmet network provides services to over one million residents in the Metropolitan Area of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen.
Finna in a nutshell
Finna is a home for Finnish cultural and scientific materials. brings the materials of hundreds of museums, libraries and archives to one address, providing quick and easy access to them. Finna also provides an online service platform on which different operators can create their own electronic search services or, for example, an online library. The service is being developed by the National Library of Finland, funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Helmet in a nutshell
Helmet is a network of the public libraries of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (Helsinki Metropolitan Area Libraries). It consists of the city libraries of Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen and Vantaa. The 66 libraries and five mobile libraries of the Helmet network provide diverse library services for the 1.2 million residents of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area.
Ritva NybergDirector Of Library ServicesEspoon kaupunginkirjasto
Tel:040 636 9207ritva.nyberg@espoo.fiSerafia KariService DesignerNational Library of Finland, Finna Services
Tel:050 348 4921serafia.kari@helsinki.fiImages

Helmet is a network of the public libraries of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (Helsinki Metropolitan Area Libraries). It consists of the city libraries of Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen and Vantaa.
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