DEN published its ESG report for 2023: significant improvements in occupational safety and personnel satisfaction
DEN has already published its third ESG report. In 2023, occupational safety and personnel satisfaction improved significantly. Work to reduce the carbon footprint and improve energy efficiency continues.
"We are very pleased that we have managed to take care of our staff and secure future jobs despite the challenging times in our industry. This is demonstrated by the significant improvements in occupational safety and personnel satisfaction as well as the stronger market position," says Maria Mroue, Director of Marketing, Communications and ESG at DEN.
Significant improvements in occupational safety
DEN's accident frequency, i.e. accidents leading to sick leave in relation to working hours, was 7.1 in 2023, compared to 20.7 a year earlier. Accidents have been reduced through regular safety walks, preventive safety observations and other measures promoting occupational health and safety.
DEN monitors the implementation of occupational safety in real time. In early 2024, the accident frequency dropped even lower, and in February, the figure was 5.7 for the previous 12 months.
Personnel satisfaction reached peak levels
Personnel satisfaction also saw significant improvements from the previous year. In 2023, the share of satisfied employees in the personnel survey was 88%, compared to 68% in 2022. The eNPS score that measures employee engagement also improved significantly and was 33, compared to 17 in the previous year.
Strengthened position as market leader and improved profitability
In 2023, DEN succeeded in strengthening its position as Finland's largest builder of single-family houses. Last year, sales volumes were at pre-COVID levels and slightly above the market average. With determined development and timely adaptation measures, DEN was able to improve its relative profitability.
Work to reduce carbon footprint and improve energy efficiency of houses continues
In 2023, DEN Group's carbon footprint decreased significantly, mainly because of a contraction in production due to the challenging market situation. In relation to turnover, the carbon footprint increased slightly. The slight increase can be attributed to the improved accuracy of data used in the emissions calculation. Emission calculations have been systematically improved in recent years to ensure that effective choices can be made to reduce emissions.
DEN's carbon footprint has been calculated according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) standard. DEN reports emissions for all three scopes: direct emissions from operations (Scope 1 and 2) as well as indirect emissions and life-cycle carbon emissions from buildings delivered to customers (Scope 3).
DEN is a pioneer in sustainability in its field – published ESG reports since 2021
As a pioneer in its field, DEN has published ESG reports since 2021, although it is not yet mandatory for companies of the size of DEN.
The focus of DEN’s ESG work is on the environment, safety and health as well as good governance. In environmental work, DEN invests in the development of carbon-neutral houses. In occupational safety, the focus is on accident prevention. Good governance includes, for example, the ethical guidelines for personnel. DEN continuously develops its ESG work and reporting.
Inquiries and interview requests
Maria Mroue, Director of Marketing, Communications and ESG, DEN Finland
maria.mroue[at] | +358 50 393 4974
Maria MroueMarkkinointi-, viestintä- ja vastuullisuusjohtajaDEN Finland
Puh:+358 50 393 4974maria.mroue@den.fiLiitteet
About the publisher
DEN is Finland's largest builder of single-family houses whose roots go back more than 30 years. We are guided by our mutual values: appreciation, courage, sustainability and happiness. The group employs over 400 professionals. Our turnover in 2022 was 226.2 million euros.
DEN consists of Designtalo, a pioneer in turnkey single-family houses; Finnlamelli, provider of the best natural log houses; and Ainoakoti, our collaborative collection with K-Rauta. For more information, visit
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