DNA’s 5G network now reaches almost every corner of South Karelia


DNA’s 5G network in South Karelia now reaches nearly all parts of the region, and coverage of the population is approaching 100% based on residents’ location. At the national level, however, there are still regional variations in coverage, which is why the network is constantly being improved. In particular, DNA’s goal is to reinforce and increase geographic coverage. The 5G network has a theoretical coverage of around 96% of Finland’s population in more than 250 localities. The construction of 5G infrastructure also improves 4G connections.

DNA’s 5G network coverage in South Karelia in April 2024. 5G area marked in pink.
DNA’s 5G network coverage in South Karelia in April 2024. 5G area marked in pink.

“Construction of the 5G network in South Karelia by the contractor company Finnish Shared Network, which is co-owned by DNA, has progressed at a good pace. At the regional level, we have upgraded a 100% of our base stations in South Karelia to 5G technology. Although local variation in network coverage can occur due to the geography and buildings, the region’s 5G coverage is very comprehensive,” says Jarkko Laari, VP, Radio Networks at DNA.

Check the exact state of the mobile network in your area on DNA’s coverage map at www.dna.fi/5G. You can also check the map to see current network improvement projects. The map is updated at a slight delay, so the latest updates may not yet be visible.

DNA’s 5G network coverage based on where the population lives is approaching 100% in South Karelia, and nationwide coverage is already as high as 96%. Expansion and improvements of the network are ongoing, and construction is increasingly focused on areas outside large cities and urban communities. As the final few percentages of the population are reached, the geographic coverage of the network will be expanded and reinforced significantly later this year.

“Nearly all mobile devices sold by DNA are already 5G capable, while the share of 5G subscriptions of all subscription types is growing steadily. All in all, at the end of last year, our mobile network transferred an average of 55.7 GB of data a month per subscription, compared to just 20.8 GB five years ago. The enormous growth of data usage clearly indicates the need for faster connections,” says Laari.

Construction of the 5G network also improves 4G connections

DNA has been building a 5G network that can operate mainly either in the lower 700-megahertz or higher 3.5-gigahertz frequency bands around Finland. Lower frequencies offer a fast connection that is more than sufficient for normal Internet use and allow the network to cover a large area with good indoor coverage. The reach of this kind of a 5G network is typically several kilometres from the base station, depending on the terrain. Higher frequencies, on the other hand, offer gigabit-class connection speeds with minimal delay over a smaller coverage area. Lower frequencies are typically used in rural areas and less densely populated urban areas, whereas higher frequencies are used in more densely populated urban areas.

“Construction in sparsely populated areas will be prioritised based on use and focus on areas of high traffic in the current 4G network. It is important to ensure that high-quality mobile connections are available wherever people are – including areas outside cities and urban communities,” says Laari.

Construction of the 5G network also has the effect of updating the entire mobile network, as it is necessary to replace old base stations with new ones. This means faster 4G speeds and an improved user experience in the areas where the network is being modernised. In many cases, 5G also offers an excellent alternative to fixed-network broadband at home, so the completion of the network boosts the area’s competitiveness and expands consumers’ options for Internet services. A suitable device and subscription are needed to use 5G services.

In addition to South Karelia, 5G construction of networks used by DNA has reached a completion rate of 95% to 100% in Kanta-Häme, Kymenlaakso, Päijät-Häme, Uusimaa and Southwest Finland. In eastern and northern Finland, the mobile communication networks used by DNA are designed, implemented and maintained by the Finnish Shared Network, a joint network company established by DNA and Telia in 2014. Construction of the 5G network is expected to be completed nationwide by the end of this year.

Media enquiries:

Jarkko Laari, VP, Radio Networks, DNA Plc, tel. +358 44 044 4949, jarkko.laari@dna.fi

DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 44 044 8000, communications@dna.fi

DNA’s 5G coverage map: https://www.dna.fi/5G

DNA is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Finland. Our purpose is to connect you to what matters most. We offer connections, services and devices for homes and workplaces, contributing to the digitalisation of society. Already for years, DNA customers have been among the world leaders in mobile data usage. DNA has about 3.7 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The company has been awarded numerous times as an excellent employer and family-friendly workplace. In 2023, our total revenues was EUR 1,067 million and we employed about 1,700 people around Finland. DNA is a part of Telenor Group, a leading telecommunications company across the Nordics. More information: www.dna.fi, X @DNA_fi, Facebook @DNA.fi and LinkedIn @DNA-Oyj.

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