Nordic Business Forum and Antilooppi to continue cooperation


The real-estate owner Antilooppi is once again an official partner of Nordic Business Forum, a world-class event with top-notch speakers. Nordic Business Forum will attract business leaders and top experts to the Messukeskus convention centre in Helsinki on 25 and 26 September 2024 under the theme of “Courageous Leadership”. Up to 7,000 people are expected to attend in person, as well as 25,000 live-stream viewers.

This year’s event invites us to think about courageous leadership, and within that, customer experience, skills development and strategy. A courageous leader can turn difficulties into opportunities, shift the focus from risk management to the possibilities arising from change, and lead people places where others hesitate to venture.

“Uncertain outlooks absolutely demand courage, strong leadership, a clear strategy and a focus on customers. Once again, Nordic Business Forum has succeeded in attracting a stellar cast of speakers, and the themes are sure to give both us and our clients insights into navigating change,” says Johanna Sarekoski, Director of Customer Experience and Concept at Antilooppi.

The partnership also draws on a strong common value base, one which emphasizes both a pioneering spirit and a desire to create change sustainably. Antilooppi’s goal is to generate success and well-being in workplaces by providing creative, flexible and sustainable spatial solutions for its clients’ changing needs. The mission of Nordic Business Forum is to give business leaders the capabilities to change the world.

“Antilooppi invests in client relationships. We want to be known for our exceptionally strong client experience. People and supporting companies’ success are focal points of our strategy: we want to enable a better tomorrow and world of work for everyone,” Sarekoski says.

“Nordic Business Forum wants to work with partners who share our value base and our broader mission of generating a positive change for the world. Antilooppi is an excellent example of such a partner. We’re extremely proud to be able to continue our partnership with Antilooppi this year,” says Salla Seppä, Chief Customer Experience Officer at Nordic Business Forum.

“Here at Antilooppi, bringing people together strongly guides how we develop properties, services and spaces, and we can also enable encounters through our partnership with Nordic Business Forum. It’s amazing to continue our partnership and once again be involved in bringing business influencers together,” says Anniina Korteniemi, Marketing and Communications Manager at Antilooppi.


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