Antilooppi publishes Sustainability Report 2023: 100% certification and real steps towards carbon neutrality


Antilooppi, a real-estate owner focused on office properties, achieved 100% certification of its portfolio, launched a completely carbon-neutral flexispace network and built seven new solar power plants in 2023. Read Antilooppi’s new Sustainability Report.

Antilooppi has continued its sustainability efforts through significant and tangible steps forwards. In spite of the changes on the markets and in the business environment, last year was a good one for Antilooppi, both in terms of its rental business and progress towards its sustainability goals. Clients now demand more. This is a good thing for a company that values flexibility and sustainability while providing quality, client-centric solutions. Antilooppi has an ambitious sustainability strategy. That allows it to help its clients progress faster towards their own sustainability goals.

“The focal points of our strategy are people, enabling a good world of work, and supporting companies’ success. We want to make a better tomorrow and a world of work for everyone possible. Companies are searching for ever higher quality and more flexible spaces for their changed spatial needs. This is where our client-focused model really shines,” Antilooppi’s CEO, Tuomas Sahi, says.

“We’ve found a model where sustainability accelerates us towards even better business. Sustainability is an increasingly important factor when choosing offices. Our solutions offer clients a good starting point for reaching their own sustainability goals. Promoting sustainability is a team game we play with our employees, clients and partners,” Sahi says.

Greenhouse gas emissions down by over 60% from comparison year

Antilooppi achieved an important strategic goal at the end of 2023. Its entire property portfolio reached 100% environmental certification through its excellent BREEAM and LEED ratings. Antilooppi is one of the first large real-estate owners in Finland to achieve certification of its entire portfolio.

“Sustainability has always been an essential element of Antilooppi’s business. Sustainability is crucial to our strategy and one of our values which we’ve strongly integrated across our business. We develop our existing real-estate portfolio and the adjacent areas sustainably with our clients’ views in mind. Last year, we once again reached fantastic milestones and took many tangible sustainability steps. We’re particularly proud of getting certification for our entire real-estate portfolio to internationally respected BREEAM and LEED ratings. We made big leaps in the sustainability of our properties and products. With the help of our turnkey Always Ready spaces, we significantly reduced our environmental impact. The success of these spaces tells its own story about the high demand for sustainable spatial solutions,” says Hannamari Koivula, Head of Sustainability and Property Management.

Antilooppi has committed to carbon neutrality by 2030, and it is well on its way to this goal: greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2023 were 62% lower than in the comparison year of 2021 (Scope 1 and 2 emissions). The electricity consumed at all Antilooppi properties originates from renewable sources. In 2023, Antilooppi built seven new power plants in addition to the existing four. Of Antilooppi’s properties, 12 are already completely carbon neutral in terms of energy consumption, up from eight in 2022. The POOL flexispace network, which is now the largest in the Helsinki region, also achieved complete carbon neutrality across the network in 2023. POOL is Finland’s first carbon-neutral office network.

In addition to carbon neutrality, Antilooppi’s other focal point is well-being. In 2023, Antilooppi earned its first WELL certificate: this rates the impact of spaces on their users’ health and well-being. Siltasaari 10 in Hakaniemi, Helsinki was one of the first office properties in Finland to be WELL certified. It had previously earned a LEED Platinum environmental certificate with the highest score in Finland. The facilitation of well-being, meetings between people, and seamless work-life balance guide Antilooppi’s operations and the long-term enhancement of its properties and the surrounding areas.

“We are continuing to promote our sustainability programme as part of our commercial operations. Our goals are ambitious, and there’s still lots to do in future. We want our offices to support our customers’ well-being and productive work with consideration for crucial climate targets. Through our actions, we promote a more sustainable real-estate business while simultaneously accelerating our clients’ and their entire real-estate sector’s carbon reduction and sustainability,” Koivula says.

Onwards with the green transition

Antilooppi intends to promote the green transition in line with its carbon-neutrality road map. In addition, this year Antilooppi has added climate-change resilience as a new theme in its sustainability programme. As well as slowing down climate change and reducing emissions, people must adapt to the effects of climate change, which will inevitably be felt in real estate. Alongside its resilience efforts, the company is focusing on the emission targets for the value chain.

Antilooppi has committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to carbon-neutral energy consumption by 2030 as part of the global Net Zero Carbon Buildings commitment. In 2021, the company was one of the first in the sector to make a commitment to carbon-neutral construction by 2030. That year, Antilooppi achieved the goals of the Finnish office real-estate energy-saving agreement of 2017–2025 four years early. Antilooppi has chosen six of the UN SDGs as the most significant for its operations: Good Health and Well-being, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, and Partnership for the Goals.




Antilooppi is a sustainable real estate owner that focuses on office properties in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. We own, develop and manage work environments sustainably and over the long term to enable the success of our customers and wellbeing in the workplace. We create innovative and flexible space solutions for changing working life, based on customers’ needs and operations. We understand that success is created by happy and healthy employees, and are aware of how spaces, the surrounding environment and its services can have an impact on people well-being. We focus on maintaining and developing already existing properties sustainably, extending the life cycle of buildings. Properties always have a close connection to their immediate surroundings – it is especially important for us to develop not just the property, but also its services and the surrounding areas.

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